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Name: WU Hua

Current Appointment: Professor


9/1999-6/2003: B.A. in photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing, Wuhan University.

9/2003-6/2006: M.A. in Cartography and GIS, Beijing Normal University.

9/2006-6/2010: Ph.D. in Cartography and GIS, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

Academic Positions:

12/2019 – present: Professor, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

12/2014-11/2019: Associate Professor, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

7/2010-11/2014: Assistant Professor, State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.

Areas of Specialization: Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing, Scaling, Validation, UAV Remote Sensing, Big Data Analysis

Academic Awards

[1]   Recipient of the Second Prize of the State Natural Science Award, awarded by the Chinese government, 2019.

[2]   Recipient of the Second Prize of Science and Technology (Natural Sciences), awarded by the Ministry of Education of China, 2017.

[3]   Recipient of the Third Prize of the Provincial Science and Technology, awarded by Beijing city government, China, 2015.

Major Research Projects:

[1]   Technological development for Pixel Scale Ground Truth Acquisition. National Key Research and Development Program of China, No. 2018YFB0504803, 2018-2022.

[2]   Methodological development to separate surface temperature and emissivity with self-correcting atmospheric effects for new geostationary meteorological satellite data. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 41871267, 2019-2022.

[3]   Algorithm development for retrieval and validation of surface direction and hemispheric emissivity by using infrared carbon dioxide laser. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 41471297, 2015-2018.

[4]   Methodological development for long time series and observation angle and time normalization for all-weather land surface temperature retrieval. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 41231170, 2013-2017.

[5]   Key technologies for fast processing of multi-scale remote sensing data and generating of quantitative remote sensing products. The National High Tech Program (863), No. 2012AA12A304, 2012-2014.

[6]   Technological development for quantification of thermal infrared hyperspectral data and temperature retrieval. The National High Tech Program (863), No. 2012AA121103, 2012-2014.

[7]   Methodological development for spatial scaling of land surface evapotranspiration for heterogeneous surface. The National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 41101332, 2012-2014.

Selected publications:

[1]   H. Wu*, and W. Li, (2019), Downscaling land surface temperatures using a random forest regression model with multitype predictor variables, IEEE ACCESS, 7(1):  21904-21916.

[2]   H. Wu*, and W.M. Ying, (2019), Benchmarking machine learning algorithms for instantaneous net surface shortwave radiation retrieval using remote sensing data, Remote sensing, 11, 2520, 1-20.

[3]   W.M. Ying, H. Wu*, and Z.-L. Li, (2019), Net surface shortwave radiation retrieval using random forest method with MODIS/AQUA data, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(7), 2252-2259.

[4]   H.Chen, H. Wu*, Z.-L. Li, B.-H Tang, R.L. Tang, and G.J Yan, (2019), Spatial upscaling of remotely sensed leaf area index based on discrete wavelet transform, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40(5-6): 2343-2358.

[5]   H. Chen, H. Wu*, Z.-L. Li, and J. N. Tu, (2019), An improved computational geometry method for obtaining actual remotely sensed products by using convex hulls of dynamic weights: A case study with leaf area index, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(7), 2308-2319.

[6]   Y.-Z. Zhang, H. Wu*, X.G. Jiang*, Y.Z. Jiang, Z.-X. Liu, and F. Nerry, (2017), Land surface temperature and emissivity retrieval from field-measured hyperspectral thermal infrared data using wavelet transform, Remote sensing, 9(5), 454, 1-16.

[7]   H. Wu, L. Ni, N. Wang, Y.G. Qian, B.-H. Tang and Z.-L. Li*, (2013), Estimation of atmospheric profiles from hyperspectral infrared IASI sensor, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 6(3), 1485-1494.

[8]   H. Wu, B.-H. Tang and Z.-L. Li*, (2013), Impact of nonlinearity and discontinuity on the spatial scaling effects of leaf area index retrieved from remotely sensed data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 34(9-10), 3503-3519.

[9]   H. Wu, N. Wang, L. Ni, B.-H. Tang*, and Z.-L. Li, (2012), Practical retrieval of land surface emissivity spectra in 8-14μm from hyperspectral thermal infrared data. Optics Express, 20(22), 24761–24768.

[10] H. Wu and Z.-L. Li*, (2009), Scale issues in remote sensing: a review on analysis, processing and modeling. Sensors, 9: 1768-1793.

National standard:

[1] Guide for the validation of remote sensing products. GB/T 36296-2018. H. Wu, J. Lu, Z.-L. Li, Y.-Y. Jia, X.-C Li, B.-H. Tang, Y.-G. Qian, R.-L. Tang, X.-H. Wang, Q.-J. Han. 2019-01-01.

[2] Field test characteristics of optical remote sensing payload. GB/T 36297-2018. H. Wu, X.-W. Fan, Z.-L. Li, X.-C Li, Y.-G. Qian, Y.-Y. Jia, A.-C. Wang, B.-H. Tang, R.-L. Tang, X.-H. Wang. 2019-01-01.

[3] Basic terminology of radiative transfer in optical remote sensing. GB/T 36299-2018. Y.-G. Qian, Y.-Y. Jia, N. Wang, H. Wu, X.-H. Wang, S. Qiu, L.-L. Ma, C.-X. Gao, C.-R. Li, L.-L. Tang, Z.-L. Li, X.-G. Jiang, B.-H. Tang. 2019-01-01.

Office Address:

11A, Datun Road, Chaoyang district, Beijing, 100101, China.

Telephone: 010-64880652

Email: wuhua@igsnrr.ac.cn

Updated on April 8, 2020

Copyright ? Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS
Address: 11A, Datun Road ,Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China   Email: weboffice@igsnrr.ac.cn