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Name: XU Xingliang
Current Appointment: Associate Professor
?Ph.D., Ecology, Synthesis Center of Ecosystem Studies, Institute of Geographical Sciences & Natural Resources Research, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 2002. Thesis topic: "The fate of deposited nitrogen and carbon sequestration in alpine meadows and uptake of organic nitrogen by alpine plants"
?M.Sc., Cell Biology, Institute of Botany, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 1999. Thesis topic: "The role of nitrogen fixation of lower plants in Inner Mongolia grasslands".
?B.Sc., Biology, Department of Biology, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, 1996.
Areas of Specialization:
?Nutrients cycling in terrestrial ecosystems
?Interactions for nutrients between plants and soil microorganisms
?Stable isotope ecology
?Priming effect
?Soil Ecology
Society Appointments: Editorial board of European Journal of Soil Biology
Representative Publications:
1. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Cao, G.M., Richter, A., Wanek, W., Kuzyakov, Y. (2010) : Dominant plant species shift their nitrogen uptake patterns in response to nutrient enrichment caused by a fungal fairy in an alpine meadow. Plant and Soil DOI: 10.1007/s11104-010-0662-1
2. Xu, X.L., Kuzyakov, Y., Stange, F., Richter, A. and Wanek, W. (2008): Light affected the competition for inorganic and organic nitrogen between maize and soil microorganisms. Plant and Soil 304, 59-72.
3. Xu, X.L., Kuzyakov, Y., Wanek, W. and Richter, A. (2008): Root-derived respiration and non-structural carbon of rice seedlings. European Journal of Soil Biology 44, 22-29.
4. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Kuzyakov, Y., Richter, A. and Wanek, W. (2006): Significance of organic nitrogen acquisition for dominant species in an alpine meadow on the Tibet Plateau, China. Plant and Soil 285, 221-231.
5. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Cao, G.M., Pei, Z.Y. and Zhou, C.P. (2004): Nitrogen deposition and carbon sequestration in alpine meadows. Biogeochemistry 71, 353-369.
6. Xu, X.L., Ouyang, H., Cao, G.M., Pei, Z.Y. and Zhou, C.P. (2004): Uptake of organic nitrogen by eight dominant plant species in Kobresia meadows. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 69, 5-10.
Major Research Projects:
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30870424): Nutrient-acquisition strategies of dominant plant species in alpine and temperate grasslands
2. National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41071209): Mechanisms and ecological significance of priming effects for microbial transformation of C and N in soils
3. Knowledge Innovation Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KZCX2-YW-QN302): Mechanisms of relationships between carbon and nitrogen mineralization in soils of Northern Tibetan Plateau
Office Address:
Room 3432, Building No. _3__  IGSNRR
11A Da Tun Road
An Wai, Beijing 100101
People’s Republic of China
Telephone: 86-10-6488-9813
Fax: 86-10-6488-9813
xuxingl@hotmail.com, xuxl@igsnrr.ac.cn
Copyright Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS
Address: 11A, Datun Road ,Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China   Email: weboffice@igsnrr.ac.cn