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WANG Jinfeng

Professor of Spatial Statistics

State Key Laboratory of Resources & Environmental Information System

Institute of Geographical Science and Natural Resources Research

Chinese Academy of Sciences

A11, Datun Road, Beijing 100101, PRC

Telephone: Office: +86 10 64888965

Fax:      Office: +86 10 64889630

E_mail:   wangjf@Lreis.ac.cn; wangjf@igsnrr.ac.cn










Date of Birth:       March 24, 1965

Areas of Specialization: GISci/Spatial statistics & public health


1985 BS      Geography, Shaanxi Teacher University, Xi’an, PRC

1988 MS     Thermodynamics in Cold Climate, Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology,

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, PRC.

1991 PhD    Geographic Information Science, Institute of Geography,

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PRC. (CAS President Excellence Prize)

1993 Nov-1994 Oct: PostDoc, Austria OAD Scholarship, Spatial Analysis, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria.

1994 Jan-June, 1996 Jan-Jun: PostDoc, EU Marie Curie Fellowship, Spatial Statistics, Sheffield University, UK.


1991-1992: Assistant Professor of State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information

System, Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PRC

1992-1995: Associate Professor of State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information

System, Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PRC

1995 – present: Professor, State Key Laboratory of Resources & Environmental Information System, Institute of Geographic Science and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, PRC

2000 July - 2001 Jan: Visiting Professor, Spatial Econometrics, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK.

2004 Sept-Dec: Visiting Professor, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, ANU, Canberra, Australia.

2011 April-July, Sept: Visiting Professor, Cambridge University, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine; Medical School of Imperial College London, UK.


[30] Optimal Stratification of Spatial Stratified Heterogeneity, Nature Science Foundation of China. No. 42071375, January 2021-Dec 2024, CNY580,000 (USD88,377).

[29] Big Data Analysis of Cancers, The Ministry of Sciences and Technology. No. 2016YFC1302504, Sept 2016-Dec 2020, CNY1,674,000 (USD240,000). 

[28] Spatial Sampling Trinity and Spatial Sampling BLUE Table, Nature Science Foundation of China, No. 41531179, Jan 2016-Dec 2020, CNY3,600,000 (USD562,000). 

[27] Cancer Atlas in China. Ministry of Science and Technology of China, No. 2014FY121100, Jan 2014-Dec 2017, CNY4,800,000 (USD800,000), cooperated with National Cancer Institute of China. 

[26] Small Sample Mapping. Nature Science Foundation of China, No. 41271404, Jan 2013-Dec 2016, CNY800,000 (USD126,984).

[25] Vulnerable Population and Sensitive Regions in China under Global Climate Change. The Major Science & Technology Project of China, No. 2012CB955503, Jan 2012-Dec 2016, CNY5,500,000 (USD859,000), cooperated with Chinese CDC.

[24] General Theory for Total Estimation and Spatial Interpolation. The National Science Foundation of Chain, No.41023010, Jan 2011-Dec 2014, CNY2,000,000 (USD333,333).

[23] The BLUE Estimation of Annual Temperature in China in the Last 100 Years. Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. XDA05090102, Jan 2011-Dec 2015, CNY1,500,000 (USD250,000), cooperated with China Meteorology Bureau.

[22] Spatiotemporal Analysis of Disease Symphonic Data. The Major Science & Technology Project of China, No.2009ZX10004-201, Jan 2009-Dec 2015, CNY1,500,000 (USD250,000), cooperated with China CDC.

[21] National Early Warning System for Infectious Diseases in China. State Council of China, No. 2006BAK01A13, Dec 2006- July 2009, RMB 3,000,000 (USD 500,000), cooperated with China CDC.

[20] Spatial Sampling Techniques and Computer Software. National High Tech Program (863), No. 2006AA12Z15, Dec 2006- July 2009, RMB 1,000,000 (USD167,000)

[19] Sample Dependent Insurance Actuary of Nature Hazards. National Science Foundation of China, No. 70571076, Jan 2006- Dec 2008, RMB 166,000 (USD27,600)

[18] Spatial Sampling Models. National Science Foundation of China, No. 40471111, Jan 2005- Dec 2007, RMB 600,000 (USD100,000)

[17] Investigating SARS Spread in Multi-Dimensions. Grant from the Nature Science Foundation of China, No.40341002, July2003-Dec.2003, RMB 150,000 (USD20,000)

[16] Detecting Environment Risk Factors of Birth Defect and Intervention Strategies in China. Grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, No.973-2001CB5103, July2002-Dec.2006, RMB1,000,000 (USD125,000)

[15] Development of Computer Package for Spatial Data Analysis. Grant from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, No.863-2002AA135230-1, July 2002-Dec.2004, RMB 400,000 (USD50,000)

[14] Optimally Timing of Traffic Light Signal. Grant from the Beijing Nature Science Foundation, No. 8033015, July 2003-Dec.2005, RMB 40,000 (USD5,000)

[13] Thermal Infra Radiation Modeling of Unknown Satellites. State High Tech Program863-703 (Military)

[12] Spatial Extension of Instant Temperature Observations at Weather Stations. Science Innovative Program of the Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CX10G-E02-04-03-01, July 2001-Dec. 2004, RMB 200,000 (USD33,333)

[11] Spatial Prediction. Science Innovative Program of the Institute of Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, July 2000-Dec.2002, RMB 900,000  (USD150,000)

[10] Spatial Sampling Design for Monitoring Cultivated Land Using Remote Sensing. Chinese Academy of Sciences, No.KZ95l-Bl-302-02, Jan. 1997-July 2000, RMB 100, 000 (USD16,667)

[  9] Decision Support System for Water Resources Coordination in North China. Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), No.KZ-A1-203, Jan. 1997-July 2000, RMB100,000 (USD16,667)

[  8] Spatial Data Analysis and Modeling. Chinese Academy of Science, No.KZ95l-A1-302. Jan. 1997-Dec. 2000, RMB 350,000 (USD58,333)

[ 7] Modeling Cervical Cancer in an Urban Area. National Science Foundation of China, No.49871064, Jan. 1999-Dec. 200l, RMB 150,000 (USD25,000)

[  6] Modeling Error Propagation in Synergic Aperture Radar (SAR) Imaging System. National Sciences Foundation of China, Jan. 1998-Dec. 2001, RMB 200,000 (USD33,333)

[ 5] Natural Disasters Database and Risk Assessment in China. State Planning Committee of China, No.85-724-01-01, Jan. 199l-Oct. 1995, RMB 720,000 (USD12,000)

[ 4] Earthquake Trend Zonation. State Seismic Bureau of China, Aug. 1993-May 1995, RMB 20,000 (USD3,333)

[  3] Geography Database of China. State Planning Committee of China, Jan.1985-Dec 1990 (member)

[  2] Regional Planning of the Southwest and the South China. State Planning Committee, Jan. 199l-July 1993 (member)

[ 1] Urban and Town Planning along the Longhai-Lanxin Railway. Ministry of Construction of China, July 1985-Dec 1988 (member)


Book (English)

[18] Yang WZ, Lan YJ, Sun Q, Wang JF, Li ZJ (Eds). 2017. Early Warning for Infectious Disease Outbreak: Theory and Practice. London: Elsevier. ISBN 978-0-12-812343-0.

[17] Christakos G, Wang JF, Wu JP. 2014. Stochastic Medical Reasoning and Environmental Health Exposure. London: Imperial College Press. ISBN 1908977493.

[16] Fischer MM, Wang JF. 2011. Spatial Data Analysis: Problems, Techniques and Applications. Berlin: Springer. ISBN 978-3-540-85864-5.

Books (Chinese)

[15] Wang JF, Liao YL, Liu X. 2019. Spatial Data Analysis, 2nd Edition. Beijing: Science Press.

[14] He J,  Chen WQ, Wang JF, et al. 2019. Cancer Atlas in China. Beijing: Sinomap Press.

[13] Li LF, Wang JF. 2014. Geospatial Data Mining. Beijing: Science Press.

[12] Wang JF, Fischer MM, Liu TJ. 2012. Spatial Analysis in Economic and Social Sciences. Beijing: Science Press.

[11] Wang JF, Liao YL, Liu X. 2010. Spatial Data Analysis. Beijing: Science Press.

[10] Wang JF, Jiang CS, Li LF, Hu MG. 2009. Spatial Sampling and Statistical Inference. Beijing: Science Press.

[ 9] ZhaoY & Wang JF. 2008. CGE Modeling and Economic Policy Analysis. Beijing: China Economic Press.

[ 8] Wang JF. 2006. Spatial Analysis. Beijing: Science Press.

[ 7] Bo YC & Wang JF. 1995. Uncertainty in Remote Sensing: Classification and Scale Effect Modeling. Beijing: Geology press.

[ 6] Ge Y & Wang JF. 1995. Uncertainty in Remote Sensing: Error Propagation Modeling. Beijing: Geology Press.

[ 5] Wang JF. 1995. Regionalization of Natural Hazards in China. Beijing: China Sciences & Technology Press.

[ 4] Wang JF. 1995. Evolution and Adjustment of Relationships Between Human and Environment, Case Studies in China. Beijing: Science Press.

[ 3] He JB, Tian GL & Wang JF (Ed). 1993. Progress in Remote Sensing Monitoring Severe Nature Disasters. Beijing: China Sciences & Technology Press.

[ 2] Wang JF. 1993. Methodology of Assessing Natural Disaster Risk in China. Beijing: China Sciences & Technology Press.

[ 1] Wang JF. 1993. Regional Economic Modeling and Analysis. Beijing: Science Press.

PUBLICATIONS PEER REVIEW JOURNALS IN ENGLISH (*denotes for corresponding author)

ISI Journal Publications (in English)


[201] Wang JF, Gao BB, Stein A. 2020. Spatial statistic trinity: A generic framework for spatial sampling and inference. Environmental Modelling & Software 134 (2020): 104835. (SCI)

[200] Wang JF, Haining R, Zhang TL, Xu CD, Hu MG. 2020. Statistics for spatially stratified heterogeneous data. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. (In press, SSCI).

[199] Bai HX, Cao F, Atkinson P, Chen Q, Wang JF, Ge Y. 2020. Incorporating spatial association into statistical classifiers: local pattern-based prior tuning. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 34(10): 2077-2114. (SCI)

[198] Duan CS, Zuo SD, Wu ZF, Qiu Y, Wang JF, Lei YH, Liao H, Ren Y. 2020. A review of research hotspots and trends in biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) emissions combining bibliometrics with evolution tree methods. Environmental Research Letters 16: 013003. (SCI)

[197] Fan HM, Wang JX, Hu MG, Li Z, Jiang XS, Wang JF. 2019. Spatiotemporal assessment of marine environmental monitoring programme based on DIN concentration in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent sea. Science of the Total Environment 707: 135527. (SCI)

[196] Gao BB, Hu MG, Wang JF*, Xu CD, Chen ZY, Fan HM, Ding HY. 2020. Interpolation of marine environment data using P-MSN. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 34(3): 577-603. (SCI)

[195] Hu BS, Qiu WQ; Xu CD, Wang JF*. 2020. Integration of a Kalman filter in the geographically weighted regression for modeling the transmission of hand, foot and mouth disease. BMC Public Health 20: 479. (SCI)

[194] Hu BS, Qiu JY, Chen HY, Tao V, Wang JF*, Lin H. 2020. First, second and potential third generation spreads of the COVID-19 epidemic in mainland China: an early exploratory study incorporating location-based service data of mobile devices. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 96(2020): 489-495. (SCI)

[193] Hu BS, Ning P, Li Y, Xu CD, Christakos G, Wang JF*. 2020. Space-time disease mapping by combining Bayesian maximum entropy and Kalman filter: The BME-Kalman approach. International Journal of Geographical Information Science DOI: 10.1080/13658816.2020.1795177 (SCI)

[192] Hu MG, Xu CD, Wang JF*. 2020. Spatiotemporal analysis of men who have sex with men in mainland China. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 8(1): e14800. (SCI)

[191] Hu MG, Lin H, Wang JF*, Xu CD, Tatem AJ, Meng B, Zhang X, Liu YF, Wang PD, Wu GZ, Xie HY, Lai SJ. 2020. The risk of COVID-19 transmission in train passengers across China, December 2019 – March 2020: an epidemiological and modelling study. Clinical Infectious Diseases. doi/10.1093/cid/ciaa1057/5877944 (SCI)

[190] Huang DC, Wang JF*, Yang TF. 2020. Mapping the spatial–temporal distribution and migration patterns of men who have sex with men in mainland China: A web-based study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020(17): 1469. (SCI)

[189] Li JM, Liang J, Wang JF*, Ren ZP, Yang D, Wang YP, Mu Y, Li XH, Li MR, Guo YM, Zhu J. 2020. Spatiotemporal trends in maternal mortality ratios in 2205 Chinese counties from 2010-2013 and ecological determinants: A Bayesian modelling analysis. PLOS Medicine 17(5): e1003114 (SCI)

[188] Li LF, Fang Y, Wu J, Wang JF, Ge Y. 2020. Autoencoder based deep residual networks for robust regression and spatiotemporal estimation. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2020.3017200 (SCI)

[187] Liao YL, Li CL, Xia CF, Zheng RS, Xu B, Zeng HM, Zhang SW, Wang JF, Chen WQ. 2020. Spatial distribution of esophageal cancer mortality in China: a machine learning approach. International Health. doi:10.1093/inthealth/ihaa022. (SCI)

[186] Lin Y, Wang JF*, Xu CD. 2020. Theoretical and empirical comparative evaluations on measures of map association. Journal of Geographical Systems 22: 361-390. (SSCI)

[185] Song YZ, Ge Y, Wang JF, Xu CD. 2020. An optimal parameters-based geographical detector model enhances geographic characteristics of explanatory variables for spatial heterogeneity analysis: Cases with different types of spatial data. GIScience & Remote Sensing. doi: 10.1080/15481603.2020.1760434. (SCI)

[184] Wang Y, Wang JF*. 2020. Modelling and prediction of global non-communicable diseases. BMC Public Health 20: 822. (SCI) 

[183] Xing DF, Xu CD, Wang JF, Ren ZP, Liao XY. 2020. Spatial associations between selenium and esophageal cancer mortality in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (In press, SCI)

[182] Xu B, Wang JF*, Li ZJ, Xu CD, Liao YL, Hu MG, Yang J, Lai SJ, Wang LP, Yang WZ*. 2020. Seasonal association between viral etiologies of hospitalized acute lower respiratory infections and meteorological factors in China. Lancet Planetary Health. 20201127Accepted & in Press.

[181] Xu B, Wang JF, Yan B, Xu CD, Yang DY. 2020. Global spatiotemporal transmission patterns of human enterovirus 71 from 1963 to 2019. Virus Evolution (In press, SCI)

[180] Yang J, Zhou MG, Ren ZP, Yin P, Wang BG, Liu DL, Ou CQ, Li MM, Sun JM, Tong SL, Wang H, Zhang CL, Wang JF, Guo YM, Liu QY. 2020. Global climate change: Vulnerability to future heat-related excess mortality in China. Nature Communications (20201105 accepted) (SCI)

[179] Zhang WB, Ge Y, Liu MX, Atkinson PM, Wang JF, Zhang XN. 2020. Risk assessment of the step-by-step return-to-work policy in Beijing following the COVID-19 epidemic peak. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00477-020-01929-3. (SCI)


[178] Bai HX, Li DY, Ge Y, Wang JF. 2019. A spatial heterogeneity-based rough set extension for spatial data. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 33(1-2): 240-268. (SCI)

[177] Ge Y, Jin Y, Stein A, Chen YH, Wang JH, Wang JF, Cheng QM, Bai HX, Liu MX, Atkinson P. 2019. Principles and methods of scaling geospatial earth science data. Earth-Science Review197: 102897. (SCI)

[176] Li J, Xu FJ, Sun ZJ, Wang JF*. 2019. Regional differences and spatial patterns of health status of the member states in The Belt and Road Initiative. PLoS ONE 14(1): e0211264. (SCI)

[175] Liu X, Wang JF*, Christakos G, Liao YL. 2019. China population distributions at multiple geographical scales and their correlates. Journal of Environmental Informatics 34(1): 15-27. (SCI)   

[174] Liu T, Ren ZP, Zhang YH, Feng BX, Lin HL, Xiao JP, Zeng WL, Li X, Li ZH, Rutherford S, Xu YJ, Lin S, Nasca PC, Du YD, Wang JF, Huang CR, Jia P, Ma WJ. 2019. Modification effects of population expansion, ageing and adaptation on heat-related mortality risks under different climate change scenarios in Guangzhou, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16: 376. (SCI)

[173] Song C, Shi X, Bo YC, Wang JF, Wang Y, Huang DC. 2019. Exploring spatiotemporal nonstationary effects of climate factors on hand, foot and mouth disease using Bayesian spatiotemporally varying coefficient model (STVC) in Sichuan, China. Science of the Total Environment 648: 550–560. (SCI)

[172] Song C, He YQ, Bo YC, Wang JF, Ren ZP, Guo JG, Yang HB. 2019. Disease relative risk downscaling model to localize spatial epidemiologic indicators for mapping hand, foot, and mouth disease over China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 33:18151833. (SCI)

[171] Wang JX, Hu MG, Gao BB, Fan HM, Wang JF. 2019. A spatiotemporal interpolation method for the assessment of pollutant concentrations in the Yangtze River estuary and adjacent areas from 2004 to 2013. Environmental Pollution 252: 501-510. (SCI)

[170] Xin HL, Yu JX, Hu MG, Jiang FC, Li XJ, Wang LP, Huang JL, Wang JF, Sun JL, Li ZJ. 2019. Evaluation of scrub typhus diagnosis in China: analysis of nationwide surveillance data from 2006 to 2016. Infectious Disease of Poverty 8: 59.

[169] Xu CD, Xing DF, Wang JF*, Xiao GX. 2019. The lag effect of water pollution on the mortality rate for esophageal cancer in a rapidly industrialized region in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi: 10.1007/s11356-019-06408-z.

[168] Yin Q, Wang JF*, Su JT, Wei ZH. 2019. A new method to estimate the temperature-CVD mortality relationship. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 26: 8895–8901. (SCI)

[167] Yin Q, Wang JF*, Ren ZP, Li J, Guo YM. 2019. Mapping the increased minimum mortality temperatures in the context of global climate change. Nature Communications 10: 4640. (SCI)

[166] Zhang LQ, Liu WW, Hou K, Lin JT, Song CQ, Zhou CH, Huang B, Tong XH, Wang JF, Rhine W, Jiao Y, Wang ZW, Ni RJ, Liu MY, Zhang L, Wang ZY, Wang YB, Li XG, Liu SH, Wang YH. 2019. Air pollution exposure associates with increased risk of neonatal jaundice. Nature Communications 10: 3741. (SCI)


[165] Wang JF*, Xu CD, Hu MG, Li QX, Yan ZW, Jones P. 2018. Global land surface air temperature dynamics since 1880. International Journal of Climatology 38: e466-e474. (SCI)

[164] Fan HM, Gao BB*, Wang JF*, Qin XG, Liu PX, Hu MG, Xu P. 2018. Optimization of Shanghai marine environmental monitoring sites in the identification of boundaries of different water quality grades. Journal of Ocean University of China (Oceanic and Coastal Sea Research) 17: 846-854. (SCI)

[163] Huang DC, Wang JF*. 2018. Monitoring Hand, Foot and Mouth Diseases by combining search engine query data and meteorological factors. Science of the Total Environment 612: 1293–1299. (SCI)

[162] Huang JX*, Wang L, Wang SB, Lu YL, Zhang WW, Wang JF*. 2018. Spatial and temporal characteristics of temperature effects on cardiovascular disease in Southern China using the Empirical Mode Decomposition method. Scientific Reports 8: 14775 (SCI)

[161] Kong LC, Wang JF*, Li ZJ, Lai SJ, Liu QY, Wu HX, Yang WZ. 2018. Modeling the heterogeneity of Dengue transmission in a City. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15: 1128. (SCI)

[160] Li JM, Wang NN, Wang JF*, Li HL. 2018. Spatiotemporal evolution of the remotely sensed global continental PM2.5 concentration in 2000-2014 based on Bayesian statistics. Environmental Pollution 238: 471-481. (SCI)

[159] Li JM, Wang JF*, Wang NN, Li HL. 2018. A Bayesian space-time hierarchical model for remotely sensed lattice data based on multiscale homogeneous statistical units. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 11(7): 2151-2161. (SCI)

[158] Li LF, Qiu WY, Xu CD, Wang JF. 2018. A spatiotemporal mixed model to assess the influence of environmental and socioeconomic factors on the incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease. BMC Public Health 18: 274. (SCI)

[157] Li LF, Zhang ZH, Meng X, Fang Y, Ge Y, Wang JF, Wang CY, Wu J, Kan HD. 2018. Estimation of PM2.5 concentrations at a high spatiotemporal resolution using constrained mixed-effect bagging models with MAIAC aerosol optical depth. Remote Sensing of Environment 217: 573-586. (SCI)

[156] Liao YL, Xu B, Liu XC, Wang JF, Hu SX, Huang W, Luo KW, Gao LD. 2018. Using a Bayesian belief network model for early warning of death and severe risk of HFMD in Hunan province, China. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 32: 1531–1544. (SCI)

[155] Liao YL*, Li DY, Zhang NX, Xia CF, Zheng RS, Zeng HM, Zhang SW, Wang JF*, Chen WQ. 2018. Application of sandwich spatial estimation method in cancer mapping: A case study for breast cancer mortality in the Chinese mainland, 2005. Statistical Methods in Medical Research. DOI: 10.1177/0962280218811344. (SCI)

[154] Liu TJ, Wang JF*, Xu C, Ma JQ, Xu CD, Zhang HY. 2018. Sandwich mapping of rodent density in Jilin Province, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences 28(4): 445-458. (SCI)

[153] Ren ZP, Zhu J, Gao YF, Yin Q, Hu MG, Li D, Deng CF, Li L, Deng K, Wang YP, Li XH, Wang JF*. 2018. Maternal exposure to ambient PM10 during pregnancy increases the risk of congenital heart defects: evidence from machine learning models. Science of the Total Environment 630: 1-10. (SCI)

[152] Song C, Yang X, Shi X, Bo YC, Wang JF. 2018. Estimating missing values in China’s official socioeconomic statistics using progressive spatiotemporal Bayesian hierarchical modeling. Scientific Report 8:10055. (SCI)

[151] Song C, He YQ, Bo YC, Wang JF, Ren ZP, Yang HB. 2018. Risk assessment and mapping of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease at the county level in mainland China using spatiotemporal zero-inflated Bayesian Hierarchical Models. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15: 1476. (SCI)

[150] Xu CD*, Xiao GX*, Wang JF, Zhang XX, Liang JJ. 2017. Spatiotemporal risk of bacillary dysentery and sensitivity to meteorological factors in Hunan province, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 15: 47. (SCI)

[149] Xu CD, Wang JF*, Li QX. 2018. A new method for temperatures spatial interpolation based on sparse historical stations. Journal of Climate 31: 1757-1770. (SCI)

[148] Yin Q, Wang JF*. 2018. A better indicator to measure the effects of meteorological factors on cardiovascular mortality: heat index. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25: 22842–22849. (SCI)


[147] Wang JF*, Yin Q, Tong SL, Ren ZP, Hu MG, Zhang HR. 2017. Prolonged continuous exposure to high fine particulate matter associated with cardiovascular and respiratory disease mortality in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment 168 (2017): 1-7. (SCI)

[146] Fan HM, Gao BB, Xu R, Wang JF. 2017. Optimization of Shanghai marine environment monitoring sites by integrating spatial correlation and stratified heterogeneity. Acta Oceanologica Sinica 36(2): 111-121. (SCI)

[145] Ge Y, Song YZ, Wang JF, Liu W, Ren ZP, Peng JH, Lu BB. 2016. Geographically weighted regression-based determinants of malaria incidences in northern China. Transactions in GIS 21(5): 934-953. (SSCI)

[144] Li J, Wang JF*, Xu CD, Yin Q, Hu MG, Sun ZJ, Shao DW. 2017. Status of research and surveillance on hand, foot and mouth disease in Mainland China before it was listed as category C disease in May 2008. Lancet Infectious Diseases 17(10): 1017–1018. (SCI)

[143] Li LF, Zhang JH, Qiu WY, Wang JF, Fang Y. 2017. An ensemble spatiotemporal model for predicting PM2.5 concentrations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 14: 549. (SCI)

[142] Li QXZhang LXu WHZhou TJWang JFZhai PM, Jones P. 2017. Comparisons of time series of annual mean surface air temperature for China since the 1900S. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 2017: 699-711. (SCI)

[141] Liao YL*, Wang JF, Du W, Gao BB, Liu X, Chen G, Song XM, Zheng XY. 2016. Using spatial analysis to understand the spatial heterogeneity of disability employment in China. Transactions in GIS 21(4): 647–660. (SSCI)

[140] Liao YL*, Xu B, Wang JF, Liu XC. 2017. A new method for assessing infectious disease outbreak risk. Scientific Reports 7: 40084. (SCI)

[139] Ren ZP, Ge Y*, Wang JF, Mao J, Wang X, Zhang Q. 2017. Understanding the inconsistent relationships between socioeconomic factors and poverty incidence across contiguous poverty-stricken regions in China: multilevel modelling. Spatial Statistics 21(2017): 404-420. (SCI)

[138] Wong HT*, Wang JF*, Yin Q, Chen S, Lai PC*. 2017. The potential benefits of location specific biometeorological indexes. International Journal of Biometeorology 61(9): 1695–1698 (SCI)

[137] Xia CF, Yu XQ, Zheng RS, Zhang SW, Zeng HM, Wang JF, Liao YL, Zou XN, Zuo TT, Yang ZX, Chen WQ. 2017. Spatial and temporal patterns of nasopharyngeal carcinoma mortality in China, 19732005. Cancer Letters 2017(401): 33-38. (SCI)

[136] Xia CF, Ding C, Zheng RS, Zhang SW, Zeng HM, Wang JF, Liao YL, Zhang NX, Yang ZZ, Chen WQ. 2017. Trends in geographical disparities for cervical cancer mortality in China from 1973 to 2013: a subnational spatio-temporal study. Chinese Journal of Cancer Research 29(6): 487-495. (SCI)

[135] Xu CD, Li YY, Wang JF, Xiao GX. 2017. Spatial-temporal detection of risk factors for bacillary dysentery in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, China. BMC Public Health 17: 743. (SCI)

[134] Xu WH, Li QX, Jones P, Wang XL, Yang S, Zhu C, Zhai PM, Wang JF, Vincent L, Trewin BDai AGGao YDing YH. 2017. A new integrated and homogenized global monthly land surface air temperature dataset for the period since 1900. Climate Dynamics 2017(15): 1-24. (SCI)

[133] Yang DY, Xu CD, Wang JF*, Zhao Y. 2017. Spatiotemporal epidemic characteristics and risk factor analysis of malaria in Yunnan Province, China. BMC Public Health 17: 66. (SCI)

[132] Yin Q, Wang JF*. 2017. The association between consecutive days’ heat wave and cardiovascular disease mortality in Beijing, China. BMC Public Health (2017) 17: 223. (SCI)

[131] Zhang ZH, Hu MG*, Ren J, Zhang ZY, Christakos G, Wang JF*. 2017. Probabilistic assessment of high concentrations of particulate matter (PM10) in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Pollution Research 8(2017): 1143-1150. (SCI)


[130] Wang JF*, Zhang TL, Fu BJ. 2016. A measure of spatial stratified heterogeneity. Ecological Indicators 67(2016): 250-256. (SCI)

[129] Cao CX, Chen W, Zheng S, Zhao J, Chang CY, Wang JF, Cao WC. 2016. Analysis of spatiotemporal characteristics of pandemic SARS spread in mainland China. BioMed Research International. 2016(12): 1-12. (SCI)

[128] Huang DC, Wang JF*, Huang JX, Sui DZ, Zhang HY, Hu MG, Xu CD. 2016. Towards identifying and remedying the bias of disease information extracted from search engine data. PLOS Computational Biology 12(6): e1004876. (SCI)

[127] Ju HR, Zhang ZX, Zuo LJ, Wang JF, Zhang SR, Wang X, Zhao XL. 2016. Driving forces and their interactions of builtup land expansion based on the geographical detectora case study of Beijing, China. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30(11): 2188-2207. (SCI)

[126] Kong LC, Wang JF*, Han WG, Cao ZD. 2016. Modelling heterogeneity in direct infectious disease transmission in a compartmental model. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13: 253. (SCI)

[125] Li XX, Ren ZP, Wang LX, Zhang H, Jiang SW, Chen JX, Wang JF, Zhou XN. 2016. Co-endemicity of pulmonary tuberculosis and intestinal helminth infection in the People's Republic of China. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 10(4): e0004580. (SCI)

[124] Liao YL*, Zhang Y, Wang JF*, Liu X, Zhang NX, Xu B. 2016. Temporal and spatial analysis of neural tube defects and detection of geographical factors in Shanxi Province, China. PLOS ONE. 11(4): e0150332. (SCI)

[123] Lu L, Ren ZP, Yue YJ, Yu XT, Lu S, Li GC, Li HL, W JC, Liu JL, Mu Y, Hai R, Yamg YH, Wei RJ, Kan B, Wang H, Wang JF, Wang ZY, Liu QY, Xu JG. 2016. Niche modeling predictions of the potential distribution of Marmota himalayana, the host animal of plague in Yushu County of Qinghai. BMC Public Health 16:183.  (SCI)

[122] Luo W, Jasiewicz J, Stepinski T, Wang JF, Xu CD, Cang XZ. 2016. Spatial association between dissection density and environmental factors over the entire conterminous United States. Geophysical Research Letters 43(2): 692-700. (SCI)

[121] Ren J, Gao BB, Fan HM*, Zhang ZH, Zhang Y. Wang JF*. 2016. Pollutant mean concentration assessment of Yangtz estuary based on MSN theory. Marine Pollution Bulletin 113 (2016) 216-223. (SCI)

[120] Ren ZP, Wang DQ, Ma AM, Hwang J, Bennett A, Sturrock HJW, Fan JF, Zhang WJ, Yang D, Feng XY, Xia ZG, Zhou XN*, Wang JF*. 2016. Predicting malaria vector distribution under climate change scenarios in China: Challenges for malaria elimination. Scientific Reports 6: 20604. (SCI)

[119] Song YZ, Ge Y, Wang JF, Ren ZP, Liao YL, Peng JH. 2016. Spatial distribution estimation of malaria in northern China and its scenarios in 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050. Malaria Journal. (2016) 15: 345. (SCI).

[118] Wang L, Wang JF*, Xu CD, Liu TJ. 2016. Modelling input-output flows of severe acute respiratory syndrome in mainland China. BMC Public Health 2016, 16:191. (SCI)

[117] Xia CF, Kahn C, Wang JF, Liao YL, Chen WQ, Yu XQ. 2016. Temporal trends in geographical variation in breast cancer mortality in China, 1973-2005: an analysis of nationwide surveys on cause of death. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13, 963. (SCI)

[116] Yin Q, Wang JF*, Hu MG, Wong HT. 2016. The estimation of daily PM2.5 concentration and the relationship with PM10 and meteorological conditions in Beijing. Journal of Environmental Sciences 48(10): 161-168. (SCI)


[115] Bai HX, Li DY, Ge Y, Wang JF. 2015. Detecting nominal variables' spatial associations using conditional probabilities of neighboring surface objects' categories. Information Sciences 329(2016): 701-718. (SCI)

[114] Gao BB, Wang JF*, Hu MG, Fan HM, Xu K. 2015.  A stratified optimization method for a multivariate marine environmental monitoring network in the Yangtze River estuary and its adjacent sea. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29(8): 1332-1349. (SCI)

[113] Ge Y, Wang JH, Heuvelink GBM, Rui J, Li X, Wang JF. 2015. Sampling design optimization of a wireless sensor network for monitoring ecohydrological processes in the Babao River basin, China. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 29(1): 92-110. (SCI)

[112] Huang JX*, Wang JF*, Li ZJ, Lai SJ, Yang WZ. 2015. Visualized exploratory spatiotemporal analysis of Hand-foot-mouth disease in southern China. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0143411. (SCI)

[111] Huang JX, Xia ZG, Zhou SS, Fu XJ, Hu MG, Huang DC, Ren ZP, Zhang SS, Yang MN, Wang DQ*, Wang JF*. 2015. Spatio-temporal analysis of malaria vectors in national malaria surveillance sites in China. Parasites & Vectors 8: 146. (SCI)

[110] Li XW, Xie YF, Li LF*, Yang XF, Wang N, Wang JF*. 2015. Using robust Bayesian network to estimate the residuals of fluoroquinolone antibiotic in soil. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22: 17540-17549.  (SCI)

[109] Liao YL*, Ouyang RB, Wang JF*, Xu B. 2015. A study on spatiotemporal delay of hand foot and mouth disease in response to weather variation based on SVD: a case study in Shandong province, China. BMC Public Health 15:71.  (SCI)

[108] Lu SJ, Du SM, Ren ZP, Zhao J,  Chambers C , Wang  JF*, Ma GS*. 2015. Accessibility of catering service venues and adolescent drinking in Beijing, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2015(12): 7208-7219. (SCI)

[107]  Mu XH, Hu MG, Song WJ, Ruan GY, Ge Y, Wang JF, Huang S, Yan GJ. 2015. Evaluation of sampling methods for validation of remotely sensed fractional vegetation cover. Remote Sensing 2015(7): 16164–16182. (SCI)

[106] Ren ZP, Wang DQ*, Hwang JM, Bennett A, Sturrock HJW, Ma AM, Huang JXWang JF*. 2015. Spatial-temporal variation and primary ecological drivers of Anopheles Sinensis human biting rates in malaria epidemic-prone regions of China. PloS ONE 10(1): e0116932. (SCI)

[105] Shi TT, Yang XM, Zhang T, Christakos G, Wang JF, Liu L. 2015. Spatiotemporal interpolation of rainfall by combining BME theory and satellite rainfall estimates. Atmosphere 2015(6): 1307-1326. (SCI)

[104] Xu CD, Wang JF*, Wang L, Cao CX.  2015. Spatial pattern of severe acute respiratory syndrome in-out flow in 2003 in Mainland China. BMC Infectious Diseases 15:721. (SCI)

[103] Yang XF, Li LF, Wang JF, Huang JX. 2015. Cardiovascular mortality associated with low and high temperatures: determinants of inter-region vulnerability in China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 12: 5918-5933. (SCI)

[102] Zhang A, Zhou F, Jiang LL, Qi QW, Wang JF. 2015. Spatiotemporal analysis of ambient air pollution exposure and respiratory infectious cases in Beijing. Central European Journal of Public Health 23(1): 73-76. (SCI)

[101] Zhang T, Li BL, Wang JF, Hu MG, Xu LL. 2015. Estimation of areal mean rainfall in remote areas using B-SHADE model. Advances in Meteorology 2016: 1687-9309. (SCI)


[100] Wang JF*, Xu CD, Hu MG, Li QX, Yan ZW, Zhao P, Jones P. 2014. A new estimate of the China temperature anomaly series and uncertainty assessment in 1900-2006. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 119(1): 1-9. (SCI)

[99] Bai HX, Ge Y, Wang JF, Li DY, Liao YL, Zheng XY. 2014. A method for extracting rules from spatial data based on rough fuzzy sets. Knowledge-Based Systems 57: 28-40. (SCI)

[98] Bo YC, Song C, Wang JF, Li XW. 2014. Using an autologistic regression model to identify spatial risk factors and spatial risk patterns of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) in Mainland China. BMC Public Health 14:358. (SCI)

[97] Cao F, Ge Y, Wang JF. 2013. Spatial data discretization methods for geocomputation. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 26(2014): 432-440. (SCI)

[96] Ding YL, Ge Y, Hu MG, Wang JF, Wang JH, Zhao K. 2014. Comparison of spatial sampling strategies for ground sampling and validation of MODIS LAI product. International Journal of Remote Sensing 35(20): 7230-7244. (SCI)

[95] Huang JX, Wang JF*, Bo YC, Xu CD, Hu MG. 2014. Identification of health risks of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease in China using the geographical detector technique. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11: 3407-3423. (SCI)

[94] Huang JX, Wang JF*, Yu WW. 2014. The lag effects and vulnerabilities of temperature effects on cardiovascular disease mortality in a subtropical climate of China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 11: 3982-3994. (SCI)

[93] Kang J, Li X, Jin R, Ge Y, Wang JF, Wang JH. 2014. Hybrid optimal design of the eco-hydrological wireless sensor network in the middle reach of the Heihe river basin, China. Sensors 14(10): 19095-19114. (SCI)

[92] Li QQ, Hu YM, Chen FX, Liu SG, Wang JF, Liu ZH, Zhao ZZ. 2014. Environmental controls on cultivated soybean phenotypic traits across China. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 192(2014): 12–18. (SCI)

[91] Li XL, Ren ZP, Gao XY, Wang JF, Liang GD. 2014. A climatic and geographical perspective of Japanese encephalitis in mainland China, 1963?–?1975: a period with no Japanese encephalitis vaccine interventions. PLoS ONE 9(6): e99183. (SCI)

[90] Li XW, Xie YF, Li CL, Zhao HN, Zhao H, Wang N, Wang JF*. 2014. Investigation of residual fluoroquinolones in a soil vegetable system in an intensive vegetable system in an intensive vegetable cultivation area in Northern China. Science of the Total Environment 468469: 258264. (SCI)

[89] Ma LG, Zhao J, Ren ZP, Wang YY, Peng ZQ, Wang JF, Ma X. 2014. Spatial patterns of the congenital heart disease prevalence among 0- to 14-year-old children in Sichuan Basin, P.R China, from 2004 to 2009. BMC Public Health 14: 595. (SCI)

[88] Shi RX, Wang JF*, Xu CD, Lai SJ, Yang WZ. 2014. Spatiotemporal pattern of hand-foot-mouth disease in China: an analysis of empirical orthogonal functions. Public Health 128 (2014): 367-375. (SCI)

[87] Xiao GX, Xu CD, Wang JF*, Yang DY. 2014. Spatial–temporal pattern and risk factor analysis of bacillary dysentery in the Beijing–Tianjin–Tangshan urban region of China. BMC Public Health 14(1): 998 (SCI)

[86] Xu CD, Wang JF*, Hu MG, Li QX. 2014. Estimation of uncertainty in temperature observations made in meteorological stations using a probabilistic spatiotemporal approach. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53(6): 1538-1546. (SCI)


[85] Wang JF*, Haining R, Liu TJ, Li LF, Jiang CS. 2013. Sandwich estimation for multi-unit reporting on a stratified heterogeneous surface. Environment and Planning A 45(10): 2515-2534. (SSCI)

[84] Wang JF*, Jiang CS, Hu MG, Cao ZD, Guo YS, Li LF, Meng B. 2013. Design based spatial sampling: theory and implementation. Environmental Modelling & Software  40 (2013): 280-288. (SCI)

 [83] Wang JF*, Wang Y, Zhang J, Christakos G, Sun JL, Liu X, Lu L, Fu XQ, Shi YQ, Li XM. 2013. Spatiotemporal transmission and determinants of typhoid and paratyphoid fever in Hongta District, China. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 7(3): e2112. (SCI)

[82] Wang JF*, Hu MG, Xu CD, Christakos G, Zhao Y. 2013. Estimation of citywide air pollution in Beijing. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53400. (SCI)

[81] Wang JF*, Xu CD, Tong SL, Yang WZ. 2013. Spatial dynamic pattern of hand-foot-mouth disease in the People’s Republic of China. Geospatial Health 7(2): 381-390. (SCI)

[80] Angulo JM, Yu HL, Langousis A, Kolovos A, Wang JF, Madrid AE, Christakos G. 2013. Spatiotemporal infectious disease modeling: A BME-SIR Approach. PLoS ONE 8(9): e72168. (SCI)

[79] Cao F, Ge Y, Wang JF. 2013. Optimal discretization for geographical detectors-based risk assessment. GIScience & Remote Sensing 50(1): 78-92. (SCI)

[78] Hu MG, Jia L, Wang JF,  Pan Y. 2013. Spatial and temporal characteristics of particulate matter in Beijing, China with empirical mode decomposition method. Science of the Total Environment 458-460: 70-80. (SCI)

[77] Hu MG, Wang JF*, Zhao Y, Jia L. 2013. A B-SHADE based best linear unbiased estimation tool for biased samples. Environmental Modelling & Software 48(2013): 93-97. (SCI)

[76] Kolovos A, Angulo JM, Modis K, Papantonopoulos G, Wang JF, Christakos G. 2013. Model-driven development of covariances for spatiotemporal environmental health assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185(1): 815-831. (SCI)

[75] Li XW, Xie YF, Wang JF*, Christakos G, Si JL, Zhao HN, Ding YQ, Li J. 2013. Influence of planting patterns on Fluoroquinolone residues in the soil of an intensive vegetable cultivation area in north China. Science of the Total Environment 458-460: 63-69. (SCI)

[74] Liao YL, Wang JF, Chen G, Du W, Song XM, Yun X, Zheng X. 2013. Clustering of disability caused by unintentional injury amongst the population aged from 15–60 years: a challenge in rapidly developing China. Geospatial Health 8(1): 13-22. (SCI)

[73] Ren ZP, Wang JF*, Liao YL, Zheng XY. 2013. Using multilevel regression analysis to assess soil type contextual effects on neural tube defects. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 27(7): 1695-1708. (SCI) 

[72] Xu CD, Wang JF*, Hu MG, Li QX. 2013. Interpolation of missing temperature data at meteorological stations using P-BSHADE. Journal of Climate 26(19): 7452-7463. (SCI) 

[71] Zhang A, Qi QW, Jiang LL, Zhou F, Wang JF. 2013. Population exposures to PM2.5 in the urban area of Beijing. PLoS ONE 8(5): e63486. (SCI) 


[70] Wang JF, Stein A, Gao BB, Ge Y. 2012. A review of spatial sampling. Spatial Statistics 2: 1-14. (SCI)

[69] Wang JF, Hu Y. 2012. Environmental health risk detection with GeogDetector. Environmental Modelling & Software 33:114-115. (SCI)

[68] Wang JF, Liu XH, Peng L, Chen HY, Zheng XY. 2012. Cities evolution tree and its application in land occupation prediction. Population and Environment 33:186–201. (SSCI)

[67] Wang JF, Liao YL, Wang JJ, Chen T, Fang J, Gao XL, Cao ZD, Hu MG, Ge Y. Zheng XY. 2012. Data adaptive modeling human-environment relationship and its application in displacing the quake population. Population and Environment 33:233–242. (SSCI)

[66] Ge Y, Bai HX, Wang JF, Cao F. 2012. Assessing the quality of training data in the supervised classification of remotely sensed imagery: a correlation analysis. Journal of Spatial Science 57(2): 135-152. (SCI)

[65] Hu MG, Li ZJ, Wang JF, Jia L, Liao YL, Lai SJ, Guo YS, Zhao D, Yang WZ. 2012. Determinants of the incidence of hand, foot and mouth disease in China using geographically weighted regression models. PLoS ONE 7(6): e38978. (SCI)

[64] Hu Y, Wang JF*, Ren D, Li XZ, Wang YP, Xiong Q, Driskell L, Zhu J*. 2012. Exploring geological and socio-demographic factors associated with under-five mortality in the Wenchuan earthquake using neural network model. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 22(2): 184-196. (SCI)

[63] Hu Y, Wang JF*, Li XH, Ren D, Mu DZ, Wang YP, Wen CM, Zhu J, Liang J. 2012. Assessing the risk for child mortality (<5 years) in the Wenchuan earthquake with Bayesian geostatistical modeling. Geospatial Health 6(2): 247-255. (SCI)

[62] Li LF, Wang JF, Leung H, Zhao SS. 2012. A Bayesian method to mine spatial datasets to evaluate the vulnerability of human beings to catastrophic risk. Risk Analysis 32(6):1072-1092. (SCI)

[61] Li LF, Wang JF, Wu J. 2012. A spatial model to predict the incidence of neural tube defects. BMC Public Health 12: 951. (SCI)

[60] Li XZ, Wang JF*, Yang WZ, Li ZJ, Lai SJ. 2012. A spatial scan statistic for nonisotropic two-level risk cluster. Statistics in Medicine 31(2):177-87. (SCI)

[59] Li ZJ, Yin WW, Clements A, Williams G, Lai SJ, Zhou H, Zhao D, Guo YS, Zhang YH, Wang JF, Hu WB and Yang WZ. 2012. Spatiotemporal analysis of indigenous and imported dengue fever cases in Guangdong province, China. BMC Infectious Diseases 12:132. (SCI)

[58] Liao YL, Wang JF*, Wu JL, Wang JJ, Zheng XY. 2012. PSO/ACO algorithm-based risk assessment of human neural tube defects in Heshun county, China. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 25(5): 569-576. (SCI)

[57] Wang YF, Pei LJ, Wang JF, Zheng XY. 2012. Is the prevalence of MTHFR C677T polymorphism associated with ultraviolet radiation in Eurasia? Journal of Human Genetics 57: 780–786. (SCI)

[56] Xie YF, Li XW, Wang JF*, Christakos G, Hu MG, An LH, Li FS. 2012. Spatial estimation of antibiotic residues in surface soils in a typical intensive vegetable cultivation area in China. Science of the Total Environment 430: 126–131. (SCI)


[55] Wang JF*, Reis BY, Hu MG, Christakos G, Yang WZ, Sun Q, Li ZJ, Li XZ, Lai SJ, Chen HY, Wang DC. 2011. Area disease estimation based on sentinel hospital records. PLoS ONE 6(8): e23428. (SCI)

[54] Wang JF*, Guo YS, Christakos G, Yang WZ, Liao YL, Li ZJ, Li XZ, Lai SJ, Chen HY. 2011. Hand, foot and mouth disease: spatiotemporal transmission and climate. International Journal of Health Geographics 10: 25. (SSCI)

[53] Hu MG, Wang JF*. 2011. A meteorological network optimization package using MSN theory. Environmental Modelling & Software 26: 546-548. (SCI)

[52] Hu Y, Wang JF*, Ren D, Zhu J*. 2011. Geographical-detector-based risk assessment of the under-five mortality in the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake, China. PLoS ONE 6(6): e21427. (SCI)

[51] Hu Y, Wang JF*, Zhu J, Ren D. 2011. Mapping under-five mortality in the Wenchuan earthquake using hierarchical Bayesian modeling. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 21(5): 364-71. (SCI)

[50] Li XZ, Wang JF*, Yang WZ,  Li ZJ, Lai SJ. 2011. A spatial scan statistic for multiple clusters. Mathematical Biosciences 233: 135-142.  (SCI)

[49] Liao YL, Wang JF*, Wu JL, Wang JJ, Zheng XY. 2011. A comparison of methods for spatial relative risk mapping of human neural tube defects. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 25: 99-106.  (SCI)

[48] Wang R, Wang JF, Qiu ZJ, Meng B, Wan FH, Wang YZ. 2011. Multiple mechanisms underlie rapid expansion of an invasive alien plant. New Phytologist 191(3): 828-839.  (SCI)

[47] Wu F, Liu QY, Lu L, Wang JF, Song XP, Ren DS. 2011. Distribution of Aedes alboqictus (Diptera: Culicidae) in Northwesten China. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 11(8): 1181-1186.  (SCI)

[46] Wu JL, Chen G, Liao YL, Song XM, Pei LJ, Wang JF, Zheng XY. 2011. Arsenic levels in the soil and risk of birth defects: a population-based case-control study using GIS technology. Journal of Environmental Health 74(4): 20-25. (SCI)


[45] Wang JF*, Li XH, Christakos G, Liao YL, Zhang T, Gu X, Zheng XY. 2010. Geographical detectors-based health risk assessment and its application in the neural tube defects study of the Heshun Region, China. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24(1): 107-127.  (SCI)

[44] Wang JF*, Haining R & Cao ZD. 2010. Sample surveying to estimate the mean of a heterogeneous surface: reducing the error variance through zoning. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24(4): 523-543. (SCI)

[43] Wang JF*, Liu X, Christakos G, Liao YL, Gu X, Zheng XY. 2010. Assessing local determinants of neural tube defects in the Heshun Region, China. BMC Public Health 10:52. (SCI)

[42] Wang JF*, Li LF, Christakos G. 2010. Estimating spatial attribute mean in a GIS Environment. Science China-Earth Sciences 53(2): 181-188. (SCI)

[41] Wang JF*, Liu X, Liao YL, Chen HY, Li WX, Zheng XY*. 2010. Prediction of neural tube defects using the support vector machine. Biomedical and Environmental Sciences 23(2): 167-172. (SCI)

[40] Bai HX, Ge Y, Wang  JF. 2010. Using rough set theory to extract the spatial decision rules of birth defects: exemplified by Heshun, Shanxi, China. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24(4): 559-576. (SCI)

[39] Cao ZD, Zeng DJ, Zheng XL, Wang QY, Wang FY, Wang JF, Wang XL. 2010. Spatio-temporal evolution of Beijing 2003 SARS epidemic. Science China-Earth Sciences 53(7): 1017–1028. (SCI)

[38] Chang CY, Cao CX, Wang Q, Cheng Y, Cao ZD, Zhang H, Dong L, Zhao J, Xu M, Gao MH, Zhong SB, He QS, Wang JF, Li XW. 2010. The novel H1N1 Influenza A global airline transmission and early warning without travel containments. Chinese Science Bulletin 55(26): 3030-3036. (SCI)

[37] Li LF, Wang JF, Leung H, Jiang CS. 2010. Assessment of catastrophic risk using Bayesian network constructed from domain knowledge and spatial data. Risk Analysis 30(7): 1157-1175. (SCI)

[36] Li LF, Wang JF, Leung H. 2010. Using spatial analysis and Bayesian network to model the vulnerability and make insurance pricing of catastrophic risk. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24(12): 1759 – 1784. (SCI)

[35] Liao YL, Wang JF*, Guo YQ, Zheng XY. 2010. Risk assessment of human neural tube defects using a Bayesian belief network. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 24: 93-100. (SCI)

[34] Liao YL, Wang JF*, Meng B, Li XH. 2010. Integration of GP and GA for mapping population distribution. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 24(1): 47-67. (SCI)

[33] Liao YL, Wang JF*, Wu JL, Luke D, Wang WY, Zhang T, Gu X, Zheng XY. 2010. Spatial analysis of neural tube defects on a rural coal mining area. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 20(6): 439-450. (SCI)

[31] Pang W, Christakos G, Wang JF. 2010. Spatiotemporal analysis of ambient fine particulate air pollution in the State of North Carolina. Environmetrics 21: 305–317. (SCI)


[31] Wang JF*, Christakos G, Hu MG. 2009. Modeling spatial means of surfaces with stratified non-homogeneity. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 47(12): 4167-4174. (SCI)

[30] Wang JF*, Li LF, Christakos G. 2009. Sampling and kriging spatial mean: efficiency and conditions. Sensors 9(7): 5224-5240. (SCI)

[29] Hu MG, Wang JF*, Ge Y. 2009. Super-resolution reconstruction of RS image using multifractal analysis. Sensors 9(1): 8669-8683. (SCI)

[28] Li LF & Wang JF. 2009. A knowledge-based similarity classifier to stratify sample units to improve the estimation precision. International Journal of Remote Sensing 30(5):1207-1234. (SCI)

[27] Liao YL, Wang JF*, Li XH, Guo YQ, Zheng XY. 2009. Identifying environmental risk factors for human neural tube defects before and after folic acid supplementation. BMC Public Health 9:391. (SCI)


[26] Wang JF, Cheng GD, Gao YG, Long AH, Li X & Xu ZM. 2008. Optimal water allocation in arid and semi-arid areas. Water Resources Management 22:239–258. (SCI)

[25] Wang JF, Christakos G, Han WG & Meng B. 2008. Data-driven exploration of ‘spatial pattern-time process-driving forces’ associations of SARS epidemic in Beijing, China. Journal of Public Health 30(3): 234-244. (SCI)

[24] Wang JF & Li LF. 2008.  Improving tsunami warning systems with remote sensing and geographical information system input. Risk Analysis 28: 1653-1668. (SCI)

[23] Chi WX, Wang JF*, Li XH, Zheng XY & Liao YL. 2008. Analysis of geographical clustering of birth defects in Heshun county, Shanxi province. International Journal of Environmental Health Research 18: 243-252. (SCI)

[22] Li LF, Wang JF, Cao ZD, Feng XL, Zhang LL & Zhong ES. 2008. An information-fusion method to regionalize spatial heterogeneity for improving the accuracy of spatial sampling estimation. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 22(6): 689-704. (SCI)


[21] Chi WX, Wang JF*, Li XH, Zheng XY & Liao YL. 2007. Bayesian mapping of neural tube defects prevalence in Heshun county, Shanxi Province, China during 1998~2001. Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A  8(6):921-925. (SCI)

[20] Gu X, Lin LM, Zheng XY, Zhang T, Song XM, Wang JF, Li, XH, Li PZ, Chen G, Wu JL, Wu LH,  Liu JF. 2007. High prevalence of NTDs in Shanxi Province: a combined epidemiological approach. Birth Defects Research Part A–Clinical and Molecular Teratology 79(10): 702-707. (SCI)

[19] Lin HL, Liu QY, Guo JQ, Zhang JB, Wang JF & Chen HX. 2007. Analysis of geographic distribution of HFRS in Liaoning Province between 2000 and 2005. BMC Public Health 7: 207. (SCI)

[18] Sun TD & Wang JF*. 2007. A traffic cellular automata model based on road network grids and its spatial & temporal resolution's influences on simulation. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 15: 864-878.  (SCI)


[17] Wang JF, McMichael AJ, Meng B, Becker NG, Han WG, Glass K, Wu JL, Liu XH, Liu JY, Li XW & Zheng XY. 2006. Spatial dynamics of an epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome in an urban area. Bulletin of the World Health Organization 84: 965-968. (SCI)

[16] Ge Y, Leung Y, Ma JH & Wang JF. 2006. Modelling for registration of remotely sensed imagery when reference control points contain error. Science China-Earth Sciences 49: 739-746. (SCI)

[15] Li LF & Wang JF. 2006. An auto-human support system prototype of spatial analysis. Progress in Natural Science 16(9): 954-966. (SCI)

[14] Li XH, Wang JF, Liao YL, Meng B & Zheng XY. 2006. A geological analysis for the environmental cause of human birth defects based on GIS. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 88(3): 551-559. (SCI)


[13] Li LF, Wang JF & Wang CY. 2005. Typhoon insurance pricing with spatial decision support tools. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19(3): 363-384. (SCI)

[12] Li LF, Wang JF & Liu JY. 2005. Optimal decision-making model of spatial sampling for survey of China’s land with remotely sensed data. Science China-Earth Sciences 48(6): 752-764. (SCI)

[11] Liu XH, Wang JF & Meng B. 2005. Spatial heterogeneity of the driving forces of cropland change in China. Science China-Earth Sciences 48(12): 2231-2240. (SCI)

[10] Meng B, Wang JF, Liu JY, Wu JL, Zhong ES. 2005. Understanding the spatial diffusion process of SARS in Beijing. Public Health 119: 1080-1087. (SCI)

[  9] Sun YJ, Wang JF, Zhang RH, Gillies RR, Xue Y & Bo YC. 2005. Air temperature retrieval from remote sensing data based on thermodynamics. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 80(1): 37-48. (SCI)


[  8] Li LF & Wang JF. 2004. Integrated spatial sampling modeling of geospatial data. Sciences China-Earth Sciences 47 (3): 201-208. (SCI)

[  7] Wu JL, Wang JF, Meng B, Chen G, Pang LH, Song XM, Zhang KL, Zhang T & Zheng XY. 2004. Exploratory spatial data analysis for the identification of risk factors to birth defects. BMC Public Health 4: 23. (SCI)

[  6] Zhang RH, Wang JF, Zhu CY, et al. 2004. The retrieval of two-dimensional distribution of the earth's surface aerodynamic roughness using SAR image and TM thermal infrared image. Science China –Earth Science 47(12): 1134-1147. (SCI)


[  5] Wang JF, Liu JY, Zhuan DF, Li LF & Ge Y. 2002. Spatial sampling design for monitoring cultivated land.  International Journal of Remote Sensing 23(2): 263-284. (SCI)

[  4] Wang JF, Liu CM, Wang ZY & Yu JJ. 2002. A marginal benefit equilibrium model for spatial water allocation. Science China-Earth Sciences 45(3): 201-210. (SCI)


[  3] Wang JF. 1999. An urban traffic-environment model. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 11(3): 339-343. (SCI)


[  2] Wang JF, Wise S & Haining R. 1997. An integrated regionalization of earthquake, flood and drought hazards in China. Transactions in GIS 2(1): 25-44. (SSCI)


[  1] Wang JF. 1990. Calculating formula of the time-dependent temperature field of freezing soil. Chinese Science Bulletin 35(2): 128-133. (SCI)

Non ISI Journal & Peer Review Publications (in English)

[  8] Wang JF. 2017. Spatial Sampling. In The International Encyclopedia of Geography. Edited by Douglas Richardson, Noel Castree, Michael F. Goodchild, Audrey Kobayashi, Weidong Liu, and Richard A. Marston. John Wiley & Sons. DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0524.

[  7] Wang JF. 2015. Sandwich mapping of diseases with a small sample in a stratified heterogeneous domain. Annals of GIS 21(2): 169-173.

[  6] Yang WZ, Li ZJ, Lan YJ, Wang JF, Ma JQ, Lin LM, Sun Q, Lv W, Lai SJ, Liao YL, Hu WB. 2011. A nationwide web-based automated system for outbreak early detection and rapid response in China. Western Pacific Surveillance and Response 2(1): 10-15.

[  5] Wang JF. 2007. Environmental risk factor diagnosis for epidemics. Lecture Note in Geoinformation and Cartography: GIS for Health and the Environment. Springer. p.15-29.

[  4] Sun TD & Wang JF. 2007. A simple model for assessing output uncertainty in stochastic simulation systems. MICAI2007. LNAI 4827: 337-347. (SCI)

[  3] Han WG, Wang JF & Shaw SL. 2006. Visual exploratory data analysis of traffic volume, MICAI 2006, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligent  4293. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 695 – 703.

[  2] Wang HQ, Wang JF & Liu XH. 2006. Local neural networks of space-time predicting modeling for lattice data in GIS, ISNN 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 3973. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.  1192 – 1201.

[  1] Wang JF, Wu JL, Wang ZY, Liu CM & Yu JJ. 2004. An optimized spatial-temporal-sectoral allocation model for water resources. GeoJournal 59 (3): 227-236.



[122] Yang X, Wang JF, Lei YH, Wang L. 2019. Analysis for the impact of urban built environment factors on the lung cancer incidence: an empirical study of 126 Chinese cities. Urban Development Studies 26(7): 81-89.


[121] Wang JF, Xu CD. 2017. Geodetector: principle and prospective. Acta Geographica Sinica 72(1): 116-134.

[120] Qiu WY, Li LF, Zhang JH, Wang JF. 2017. A Bayesian network method considering spatial cluster to evaluate health risk of hand, foot and mouth disease. Journal of Geo-information Science 19(8): 1036-1048.

[119] Wang J, Wang JF, Hong YT, Zhu J, Li XH, Ren ZP. 2017. The effects of pregnancy and birth season on the occurrence of premature birth in urban and rural areas of Hubei province. Chinese Prevalence Medicine 18(2): 86-90.

 [118] Zhao J, Ren ZP, Wang JF, Xu CD, Zhang QJ. 2017. Spatial difference in the velocity of temperature change in Northeast China and North China from 1961 to 2013. Journal of Geo-information Science 19(7): 909-914.


[117] Wang JF. 2016. Book Review: “Loess DEM Analysis: Exploration and Practice”. Acta Geographica Sinica 71(6): 1088.

[116] Liu WW, Hu YH, Yu SC, Yao HY, Shao H, Li RJ, Guo Y, Feng GS, Xu CD, Xuan JW, Ren ZP, Wang JF. Temporal-spatial clustering and socio-economic influencing factors of hepatitis C in mainland China, 2008-2013. Chinese Journal of Public Health 32(4): 482-487.

[115] Wu BP, Yang D, Wang JF, Xu CD, Li JM, Ren ZP. 2016. Space-time variability and determinants of hand, foot and mouth in Shandong province: a bayesian spatio-temporal modeling approach. Journal of Geo-information Science 18(12): 1645-1652.


[114] Wang JF. Climate change impacting on human health-a gradually fatal danger without awareness ? Chinese Science Bulletin 60(30): 2802-2803.

[113] Li RJ, Guo Y, Feng GS, Hu MG, Wang JF, Hu YH, Yu SC, Ma JQ. 2015. Using MSN spatial model to estimate mortality of liver cancer for 2012in China. Chronic Pathematology Journal 16(4): 360-366.

[112] Song YZ, Ge Y, Peng JH, Wang JF, Ren ZP, Liao YL. 2015. Application of genetic programming on predicting and mapping malaria in Anhui Province Journal of Geo-information Science 17(11): 954-962.

[111] Yang XF, Li LF, Wang JF, Huang JX. 2015. Using generalized additive model to explore the association between temperature and cardiovascular mortality in Anhui province. Journal of Geo-information Science 17(11): 1388-1394.


[110] Wang JF, Ge Y, Li LF, Meng B, Wu JL, Bo YC, Du SH, Liao YL, Hu MG, Xu CD. 2014. Spatiotemporal data analysis in geography. ACTA Geographica Sinica 69(9): 1326-1345.

[109] Li XZ, Wang JF, Yang WZ, Li ZJ, Lai SJ, Liao YL. 2014. The effect comparison of spatial scan statistic method based on different parameters in early warning of infectious disease outbreak. Chinese Journal of Health Statistics 31(2): 236-239.

[108] Ma AM, Wang JF, Wang DQ, Ren ZP. 2014.Prediction of potential distribution of Anopheles sinensis in China based on MaxEnt. Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control 25(3): 393-398. 

[107] Wang HQ, Zhou J, Wang JF. 2014. An adaptive fuzzy Cmeans clustering algorithm based on spatial weighted distance. Geomatics & Spatial Information Technology 37(2): 18-24.

[106] Wang HQ, Zhang T, Wang JF, Meng B. 2014. Data-driven methods for identifying time-of-day intervals of regional traffic. Journal of Wuhan University Technology 38(1): 40-45.

[105] Zhang Y, Liao YL, Xu B, Wang JF. 2014. Impact of heaby metals in environment on neural tube defects: a review of recent studies. Journal of Environmental Health 31(12): 1100-1103.


[104] Li XZ, Wang JF 2013. A fast method for making candidate clusters in spatial scan statistic method. Journal of Geo-Information Science 15(4): 505-511.


[103] Ge Y, Wang JH, Wang JF, Jin R, Hu MG. 2012.  Regression Kriging model-based sampling optimization design for the eco-hydrology wireless sensor network.  Advances in Earth Science 27(9): 1006-1013.

[102] Liao YL, Wang JF, Yang WZ, Li ZJ, Jin LM, Lai SJ, Zheng XY. 2012. Detecting multi-dimensional clusters of infectious diseases. ACTA Geographica Sinica 66(4): 435-443.


[101] Guo YS, Wang JF, Yin XL. 2011. Review of the optimization methods for groundwater monitoring network. Progress in Geography 30(9): 1159-1166.


[100] Chang CY, Cao CX, Wang Q, Chen Y, Cao ZD, Zhang Y, Dong L, Zhao J, Xu M, Gao MX, Zhong SB, HeQS, Wang JF, Li XW. 2010. The novel H1N1 influenza A global airline transmission and early warning without travel containments. Chinese Sci Bull.55(2):1128-1133.

[ 99] Cao ZD, Zeng DJ, Zheng XL, Wang QY, Wang FY, Wang JF, Wang XL. 2010.  Spatio-temporal evolution of Beijing 2003 SARS epidemic. Sci China Earth Sci, 40(6): 776-788.

[ 98] Hu MG, Wang JF. 2010. Mixed-pixel Decomposition and Super-resolution Reconstruction of RS Image. Progress in Geography 29(6): 747-756.

[ 97] Lu BL, Shi GQ, Huang WL, Wang JF, Shen T, Yang L, Zhao S, MA L, Wang YB. 2010. Study on spatial-temporal distribution characteristics of Yunnan unexplained sudden death. Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention 14(4): 305-309.

[ 96] Lu BL, Wang JF, Zeng G. 2010. Approaches to study disease clustering in space. Disease Surveillance 25(5): 394-396.


[ 95] Wang JF. 2009. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of maps. Journal of Geo-information Science 11(2): 169-175.

[ 94] Cao ZD, Wang JF, Han WG, Gao YG, Zeng G. 2009. Mathematical modeling of infectious disease and quantitative assessments of control measures: a case study of SARS epidemic in Guangzhou, 2003. Journal of Fudan University (Natural Science) 48(6): 793-800.

[ 93] Jiang CS, Wang JF, Cao ZD. 2009. A review of geo-spatial sampling theory. ACTA Geographica Sinica 64 (3): 368-380.


[ 92] Cao ZD, Wang JF, Li LF, Jiang CS. 2008. Strata efficiency and optimization strategy of stratified sampling on spatial population. Progress in Geography 27 (3): 152-160.

[ 91] Cao ZD, Wang JF, Gao YG, Han WG, Feng XL, Zeng G. 2008. Risk factor s and autocorrelation characteristics on severe acute respiratory syndrome in Guangzhou. Acta Geographica Sinica 63 (9): 981-993.

[ 90] Cao ZD, Wang JF, Gao YG, Han WG, Feng XL, Zeng G. 2008. Spatial pattern and heterogeneity risk of severe acute respiratory syndrome epidemic in Guangzhou. Geographical Research 27 (5): 1139-1149.

[ 89] He YW, Zhang KL, Wang JF, Zheng XY & Zhang T. 2008. Analysis of element content in water in the high prevalence area s of Shanxi Province.  Maternal and Child Health Care of China 23: 1246-1248.

[ 88] Liao YL, Wang JF, Ma JQ, Qi XP. 2008. Placename data matching based on BPM-BM algorithm. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping 22(6): 31-52.

[ 87] Wang HQ, Wang JF. 2008. Local neural networks of space-time modeling based on partitioning for lattice data in GI S.  Journal of Remote Sensing 12 (5): 707-715.

[ 86] Wang HQ, Wang JF. 2008. Research on application of space time multi-mode fused model. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering) 32 (4): 685-688.

[ 85] Wang HQ, Wang JF, Zhao YJ, Li HL. 2008. Space-time linear modeling method for GIS lattice data. Journal of China University of Petroleum 32 (5): 159-164.

[ 84] Wang HQ, Wang JF. 2008. Optimizing method of traffic signal off- line timing based on particle swarm algorithm. Computer Engineering and Applications 44(11): 13- 15.

[ 83] Zhao Y, Wang JF. 2008. Review of CGE models on water resources. Advances in Water Science 19(5): 756-762.


[ 82] Wang JF, Meng B & Li LF. 2007. A model for searching suitable sites of solar thermal plant in China. Geo-Information Science 9(6): 43-48.

[ 81] Chi WX, Wang JF, Li XH & Liao YL. 2007. Spatial point patterns of birth defects. Journal of Environmental Health 24(4): 238-241.

[ 80] Chi WX, Wang JF, Li XH & Liao YL. 2007. Regional correlation analysis of birth defects in Heshun County, Shanxi Province. Journal of Hygene Research 36(3): 328-330.

[ 79] Han WG, Wang JF, Gao YG & Hu JJ. 2007. Forecasting and analysis of regional traffic flow in space and time. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development 24(6): 92-96.

[ 78] Li XH, Wang JF*, Zheng XY, Liao YL, Zhang KL, Zhang T & Chen G. 2007. The indication of soil in environmental risk assessment of birth defects. Research of Environmental Sciences 20(6): 21-26.

[ 77] Liao YL, Wang JF, Meng B & Li XH. 2007. A method of spatialization of statistical population. Acta Geographica Sinica 62(10): 1110-1119.

[ 76] Sun TD & Wang JF. 2007. Microscopic traffic simulation model based on road network grid. Journal of System Simulation 19(12): 2735-2739.

[ 75] Wang ZY, Wang JF. 2007. Temporal-spatial diffusion of technology: an example of GIS diffusion in sector of colleges and institutions in China. Economic Geography 27(1): 15-21.

[ 74] Zhao Y & Wang JF. 2007. Spatial analysis of city-wide economic development in China. Economic Geography 27(3):  357-361.

[ 73] Zhang KL, Peng WY, He YW, Zheng XY, Wang JF & Chen Y. 2007. Analysis on trace element of geochemical environment in high prevalence area of birth defects. Chinese Journal of Public Health 23(1):  54-56.

[ 72] Zhang KL, Peng WY, He YW, Zheng XY, Wang JF & Chen Y. 2007. Analysis on trace element of geochemical environment in high prevalence area of birth defects. Chinese Journal of Public Health 23(1):  54-56.


[ 71]  Wang H Q & Wang JF. 2006. A k-means adapted algorithm based on spatial contiguity relationship. Computer Engineering 32 (21): 50-51.

[ 70] Li SP, Ge Y, Li DY & Wang JF. 2006. Measurement of the uncertainty in remote sensing information. Journal of Shanxi University (Natural Science Edition) 29(1): 30-32.

[ 69] Ge Y, Leung Y, Ma JH & Wang JF. 2006. Error propagation model for registration of remote sensing image and simulation analysis. Journal of Remote Sensing 10(3): 299-305.


[ 68] Wang JF, Wu JL, et al. 2005. Development of spatial analysis software. Geographical Research 24 (3): 310-319.

[ 67] Wang JF, Meng B, et al. 2005. Analysis on the multi-distribution and the major influencing factors on severe acute respiratory syndrome in Beijing. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 26 (3): 164-168.

[ 66] Wang JF, Meng B, et al. 2005. On optimization of emergency management. Journal of Safety and Environment 5 (1): 103-107.

[ 65] Bo YC & Wang JF. 2005. Assessment on uncertainty in remotely sensed data classification: progresses, problems and prospects. Advances in Earth Science 20(11): 1218-1225.

[ 64] Bo YC & Wang JF. 2005. Combining multiple classifiers for thematic classification of remotely sensed data. Journal of Remote Sensing 9(5):555-562.

[ 63] Han WG , Wang JF & Hu JJ. 2005. Imputation methods for missing values in traffic flow data. Computer and Communications 23 (1): 39-42.

[ 62] Han WG , Wang JF, Liu JY, Meng B, Wu JL & Liu XH. 2005. Design and implementation of spatial and temporal analysis system of SARS. Computer Engineering 31 (8): 40-42.

[ 61] Li XH, Wang JF, Zheng X Y, et al. 2005. Study review on the relationship between birth defect and environment. Chinese Journal of Public Health 21(10): 1158-1160.

[ 60] Liu XH, Wang JF, Liu J Y, Liu M L & Meng B. 2005. Quantitative analysis to the driving forces of cultivated land changes at national scale. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering 21 (4): 56-60.

[ 59] Meng B & Wang JF. 2005. A review on the methodology of scaling with geo-data. ACTA Geographica Sinica 60 (2): 277-288.

[ 58] Meng B & Wang JF. 2005. Evaluation of regional disparity in China based on spatial analysis. Scientia Geographica Sinica 25 (4): 393-400.

[ 57] Meng B, Zhang J, Wang JF, Zhang W Z & Hao W (2005). Application of spatial analysis in real estate marketing. Geographical Research 24(6): 956-964.

[ 56] Wu JL, Wang JF, Meng B & Liu XH. 2005. Spatial association analysis on epidemic of SARS in Beijing, 2003. Journal of Zhejiang University (Agric. & Life Sci) 31 (1): 97-101.

[ 55] Wang H Q & Wang JF. 2005. Progress in spatial data mining. Geography and Geo-information Science 21(4): 6-10.

[ 54] Wang HQ, Wang JF & Han WG. 2005. A micro-scale & stochastic vehicles flow generator based on detected traffic flow. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology (Transportation Science & Engineering) 29(5): 766-769.


[ 53] Wang JF, Sun YJ, Han WG & Li XH. 2004. Introduction to spatial analysis. GIS World 2(5): 6-10.

[ 52] Wang JF & Zhou CH. 2004. Progress in geoinformatics. Geoinfomatics 6(3): 126.

[ 51] Bo YC & Wang JF. 2004. Exploring the scale effect in thematic classification of remotely sensed data: the statistical separability based method. Remote Sensing Technology and Application 19 (6): 443-449.

[ 50] Cai YL, Lu DD, Wang CJ, Qing Q, Li Y, Cai YW, Zhang YL, Liu WD, Wang JF, Song CQ & Len SY. 2004. Chinese progress and international trends in geography. ACTA Geographical Sinica 59 (6): 803-810.

[ 49] Cai YL, Lu DD, Wang CJ, Qing Q., Li Y, Cai YW, Zhang YL, Liu WD, Wang JF, Song CQ & Len SY. 2004. National demand Chinese geography and development strategies. ACTA Geographical Sinica 59 (6): 811-819.

[ 48] Ge Y, Wang JF, Leung Y & Ma JH. 2004. Uncertainty in remote sensing Data. Journal of Remote Sensing 8(4): 339-348.

[ 47] Han WG, Wang JF, Wang HQ & Hu JJ. 2004. Visualization and analysis of traffic volume. Journal of Wuhan Polytechnic University 28(5): 668-670.

[ 46] Han WG, Wang JF & Liu XH. 2004. Reversing epidemic parameters of SARS spread and trend forecast, Progress in Earth Science 19(6):925-930.

[ 45] Li LF & Wang JF. 2004. Optimal decision making of sampling in territorial survey. Science in China, Series D 34(10): 975-982.

[ 44] Liu XH, Wang JF, Meng B. 2004. Spatial-temporal dynamics and imbalance of regional economy in China. Geographical Research 23(4): 530-540.

[ 43] Sun YJ & Wang JF. 2004. Progress in geostatistic research. Advance in Earth Sciences 19 (2): 268-274.

[ 42] Sun YJ & Wang JF. 2004. A model to calculate the regional air saturation deficiency. Remote Sensing for Land and Resources 2004(1): 23-26.

[ 41] Sun YJ, Wang JF, Bo YF & Li D. 2004. Extending functions of spatial analysis in GIS using Geostatistics. Journal of Huaqiao University (Series in Nature Science) 25(4): 435-439.

[ 40] Wu JL, Wang J F, Zheng XY, et al. 2004. Spatial exploration of birth defect environmental factors. Journal of Environmental Health 21(6): 366-368.

[ 39] Zhu CY, Zhang RH, Wang JF, et al. 2004. Reversing aero-dynamic surface roughness using SAR image and TM infra image. Science in China –Series D 34(4): 385-393.


[ 38] Bo YC, Wang JF & Zhu CY. 2003. Using wavelet to filter and assess noise on SAR image. Journal of Remote Sensing 7(5): 393-399.

[ 37] Ge Y, Wang JF, Leung Y & Wang Z. 2003. The relationship between phrase error, position error and grey error, and the uncertainty in SAR pixels. Journal of Remote Sensing 7(4):16-23.

[ 36] Ge Y, Wang JF, Leung Y & Wang Z. 2003. Visualization of uncertainty in SAR system and application. Geoinformatics 2003 (3): 90-94.

[ 35] Liu JY, Zhong ES, Zhuang DF & Wang JF. 2003. Exploration SARS using GIS. Journal of Remote Sensing 7(5): 337-334.

[ 34] Liu JY, Zhong ES, Zhuang DF & Wang JF. 2003. A GIS for SARS control and warning. Journal of Modern Scientific Equipments 2003(4): 10-12.

[ 33] Wu JL, Wang JF, Zheng XY, et al. 2003. The application of spatial data analysis in the public health research. Progress in Geographical Science 22(3): 219-227.

[ 32] Zhu CY, Lan C, Xu Q, Wang JF & Chi TH. 2003. Real time locating geographical position on airborne SAR image using GPS. Journal of Survey and Mapping.3: 54-61.


[ 31] Li LF & Wang JF. 2002. Models for sampling geographical data. Progress in Natural Sciences 12(5): 541-546.

[ 30] Liu XH & Wang JF. 2002. Generating spatial weight matrix in GIS. Geoinformatics 4(2):38-44.

[ 29] Long A H, Xu Z M, Zhang Z, Wang JF & Su Z. 2002. Analysis on marginal revenues model of water resource spatial balanced allocation---take Zhangye prefecture as a aase. Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 24(4): 76-82.


[ 28] Wang JF, Bo YC, Zhu CY & Wang G. 2001. Strengthening spatial analysis ability in GIS package. Journal of Image and Graphics 6(9): 849-853.

[ 27] Wang JF, Liu CM, Yu JJ & Chen HY. 2001. A theoretical model for coordinating water resources in space and time. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 2001(4): 6-14.

[ 26] Wang JF, Liu CM, Wang ZY & Yu JJ. 2001. Distributing water resources in space based on its marginal benefit. Sciences in China (Series D) 31(5): 421-427.

[ 25] Ge Y & Wang JF. 2001. Application of systemic simulation in SAR system. Journal of Simulation 13(2):201-205.

[ 24] Guan YX, Liu GH & Wang JF. 2001. Saline-alkali land in the Yellow River Delta: amelioration zonation based on GIS. Chinese Journal of Geographical Sciences 56(2):198-205.


[ 23] Wang JF, Li LF Ge Y, et al. 2000. A theoretical framework of spatial analysis for geographic data. ACTA Geographic Sinica 55(1): 92-103.

[ 22] Wang JF, Chen HY, Wang ZY Shi PZ & Wu JL. 2000. Decision support system for regional development and water resources coordination. Progress in Geography 19(1): 9-16.

[ 21] Ge Y & Wang JF. 2000. Theoretical analysis on the error propagation of SAR system based on its mechanism. Geo-Information Science 2 (1):28-33.

[ 20] Wang ZY, Wang JF, Yu JJ & Liu CM. 2000. Analysis on marginal revenues of water in Hebei province. ACTA Geographic Sinica 55(3): 318-328.


[ 19]  Wang JF. 1999. Comments on the book “GIS Application in Agriculture Research of China. ACTA Geographica Sinica 54: 564.

[ 18] Wang JF. 1999. Haining R. and Wise S., Sampling design for monitoring natural hazards. Progress in Natural Sciences in China 9(4):336-345.


[ 17]  Liu ZN & Wang JF. 1998. Geo coding rivers along the areas of south-to-north water transfer project. Geoinformatics. 3-4: 58-63.


[ 16] Wang JF, Zhang W C & Huang TH. 1996. Computer simulating and analysis in impact of the interruption of Yangtzi River during Building the Great three Gorge Dam on China transportation. Journal of Environment and Exploiting in Yangtzi  River Basin 5(1): 6-9.

[ 15] Wang JF & Fischer MM. 1996. Experiments of several methods for geo-point process prediction. Journal of the Graduate School of Academia Sinica 1996 (2):43-53.

[ 14] Wang JF, Li Q L & Chen HY. 1996. Earthquake trend regionalization. ACTA Earthquake in China, Vol.12 Supplement, 78-88.


[ 13] Wang JF. 1995. Adaptive and structure modeling spatial-temporal information, ACTA Geographica Sinica 50 (supplement), p51-61.


[ 12] Wang XZ & Wang JF. 1994. The development and application of geographic information system. Journal of Shaanxi Teacher University, 22 (2): 59-63.


[ 11] Wang JF. 1993. Using mass-center method to trace the spatial movement of social and economic indexes. Remote Sensing and Information 2: 11-14.


[  10] Wang JF, Ding DW & Sui TL. 1992. The method to calculate the temperature regime of hydraulic retaining wall in cold climate. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 1992 (4): 70-74.

[   9] Wang JF. 1992. Theoretical analysis on the optimizing location of regional economic growth axis and cores. Journal of the Graduate School of Academia Sinica 9 (4): 409-419.


[   8] Wang JF. 1991. Dividing hinterland of major cities along the Longhai-Lanxin railway. Remote Sensing and Information 1: 23-29.

[   7] Wang JF. 1991. The Simulation and analysis of several factors of location, Remote Sensing and  Information 2: 26-30.

[   6] Su YF & Wang JF. 1991. Extracting digital characteristics of the urban landuse from TM data. Journal of Gansu Sciences 3(3): 10-15.


[   5] Zhang J & Wang JF. 1990. The simulation of dividing the export-oriental economic hinterland of the harbors along the Big Bohai Bay. Geographic Research in China 1990 (2): 113-120

[   4] Wang JF. 1990. Stability criteria of forestry ecological system in cold region- Entropy S. Journal of Regional Study and Exploitation, 1990 Special Issue for Workshop on Geographical Information System, International Geographic Union Regional Conference on Asia and Pacific Regions, Beijing.

[   3] Wang JF. 1990. A simple algorithm to find maximum flow with least cost in a traffic network. Journal of Gansu Science 1990 (4):19-22.


[   2] Wang JF. 1989. Calculation formula of freezing soil temperature regime. Chinese Science Bulletin 34(13): 1002-1005.


[   1] Wang JF. 1988. The soil erosion oriented regionalization of the climate factors on the loess plateau, Young Geographer 1988 (4): 101-108.


[1] Geographical detector:


[2] Spatial sampling and statistical inference:


[3] 1996  Fischer M, Trapletti A & Wang JF. (1996). SIM 1.0, A package for spatial interaction modeling (WSG-RR 6/96).


2020 The Best Academic Paper Award, China Association for Science and Technology

2011 CAS Excellence Advisor Prize, Chinese Academy of Sciences (<1% Award)



[1] Spatial Analysis, 63h, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Master level)

[2] Spatial Statistics, 3h, Inst. of Geogr. Science & Nature Resources Research, CAS (PhD level)

[3] Spatial Statistics, 3h, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (PhD level)

[4] Spatial Statistics 

      (English, 3h, Sino-Danish Center , Chinese Academy of Sciences, Master in Water and Environment) 

Supervisor of Completed Ph.D. Dissertation Research

2020 HUANG Dacang: Spatio-temporal Monitoring and Analysis of Typical Infectious Diseases by Combining Data from the Internet

2020 WANG Yang: Exploratory Application of a New Coordinate System Spatiotemporal Evolution Tree Model for High Dimensional Data

2017 YIN Qian: The Effects of Environmental and Societal Factors on Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disease Mortality.

2016 WANG Li: Modeling on SARS Transmission and Population Migration Based on Flow Data in 2003.

 KONG Lingcai: Simulation of prevention and control measures of infectious diseases in Beijing and


2015 GAO Bingbo: Optimization of monitoring network of marine environment in eastern China sea.

 LIU Tiejun: Sandwich mapping of rats’ density in Jilin province.

2014 HUANG Jixia: Spatio-temporal variation of exposure response between climate change and cardiovalcular disease in China.

2013 CAO Feng: Research on spatial data discretization

WANG Yan: The exposure-response relationship study of air pollution and lung cancer in China

XU Chengdong: Modeling of uncertainty of temperature observation and anomaly stratification

2012 BAI Hexiang: Uncertainty Based Spatial Data Mining Using Rough Set Theory and Multiple Point Simulation

LI Xiaozhou: Spatiotemporal Cluster Detection for Infectious Diseases.

2011 GUO Yansha: Sampling Design for Surveillance of Underground Water in Urumuqi River Basin.

HU Yi: Spatial Model-based Ecological Study on Geographical Health Events

LU Bulai: Study on Characteristics and Etiology of Yunnan Unexplained Sudden Death

2010 LIAO Lilan: A study on early warning of infectious diseases and health economic evaluation of infectious disease control – case study on measles. 2010 CAS President Award Laureate of Chinese Academic of Sciences (<1% Award)

HU Maogui: Super-Resolution Mapping Using Remote Sensing Images

XU Tao: Study of Urban Spatial Interaction in Intermodal Transport context

2009 JIANG Chengsheng: Spatial sampling techniques and applications.

2008 CAO Zhidong: Mathematical Modeling and Spatial Analysis of Spatio-temporal Data - Case Study based on SARS Epidemic in Guangzhou

GUO Yaoqing: Explore analysis of birth defects’ multi-dimensional geographical environmental factors based on elastic net. (MS degree thesis).

 ZHAO Yong: CGE Modeling and its application in landuse change impact on economy

2007 LI Lianfa:  knowledge based risk and vulnerability analysis and their application in early warning and decision making. (Post Dr research)

LIN Hualiang: Geographic information system and prevalence prediction of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Liao Nin province (MS degree thesis)

SUN Tengda: A study on microscopic traffic cellular automata model based on traffic network gridization

2006 LIAO Yelan: Spatial scaling down the social and economic variables with application in mapping

determinants of birth defects (MS degree thesis)

WANG Haiqi: Spatial data analysis and intelligent computation—researches on spatial-temporal multi-mode fused model and traffic signal timing intelligent optimization

WANG Lei: Study on the association between hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and geographic environmental factors by using geographic information system and bayesian networks (MS degree thesis)

2005 HAN Weiguo: Data-driven and model-driven spatio-temporal data mining - respective case study in traffic flow data and epidemic data

LI Lianfa: Spatial data analysis and applications in spatial sampling, missing data and interpolation

2005 CAS President Award Laureate of Chinese Academic of Sciences  (< 1% Award)

LI Xinhu: Environmental factors and mechanisms of human birth defects

LIU Xuhua: Identifying and modeling the driving forces of land use change in China

MENG Bin: Spatial process factors detecting and scale transform of geographic data

2004 SUN Yingjun: Air temperature retrieval from remote sensing data based on thermodynamics

WU Jilei: Lattice data analysis: methods, models and applications

2003 ZHU Caiying: The retrieval of aerodynamic surface roughness from SAR and TM remote sensing images

2002 BO Yancheng: Uncertainty and scaling effects in remote sensed data retrieval

WANG Zhiyong: GIS innovation diffusion in China

2001 GE Yong: Aircraft synthetic aperture radar uncertainty analysis –theory, system and application

GUAN Yuanxiu: Monitoring, forecasting and harnessing of land salinization in the Yellow River Delta

LI Lianfa: Spatial Sampling Models (MS thesis)

2000 SHI Peizhong: Interpolation & missing data in space (MS thesis)



[1] Geographical Society of China / Committee of Geographical Modelling & Information Analysis

[2] China Association of GIS / Committee of Theory & Methodology (2004-2011)

Executive Board

International Geographic Union / Commission on Modeling Geographical System (2000-)

Deputy Presidents

Chinese Society of Applied Statistics / Commission of Spatial Statistics (2014-)

Deputy Director

Academic Committee of the Key Laboratory for Early Warning of Infectious Diseases Outbreak,

Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2011-)

Deputy Director

State Key Lab of Resources & Environmental Information System, Chinese Acad. of Sci. (2006-2011)

Associate Editor (English)

Spatial Statistics (Elsevier), 2020-

Editorial Board (English)

International Journal of Geographical Information Science (Taylor), 2017-

Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (Springer), 2008-

Journal of Geographical Systems (Springer), 2004-2018

Geographical Analysis (Wiley), 2008-2010

Editorial Board (Chinese)

ACTA Geographica Sinica (Beijing), 1995-

Journal of Geo-Information Science (Beijing), 1999-

Journal of Remote Sensing (Beijing), 2009-

Geography and Geographical Information Sciences (Hebei), 2015-

Reviewer for Journals and Publishers (English)

[  1] Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health

[  2] Advanced Engineering Informatics

[  3] Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

[  4] African Journal of Business Management (South Africa)

[  5] African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

[  6] American Journal of Public Health (Amer Public Health Assoc Inc)

[  7] American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (Amer Society of Tropical Med and Hygiene)

[  8] Annals of the American Association of Geographers (Taylor)

[  9] Annals of GIS (Taylor)

[10] Applied Geography (Elsevier)

[11] Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy (Springer)

[12] Atmospheric Environment (Elsevier)

[13] Atmospheric Pollution Research

[14] Australian Geographer

[15] Biomedical and Environmental Sciences (Elsevier)

[16] Biosafety and Health

[17] BMC Medical Research Methodology (Springer)

[18] BMC Public Health (Springer)

[19] BMC Infectious Diseases (Springer)

[20] BMJ Open

[21] Botany (Canada Science Publicating)

[22] Bulletin of World Health Organization (UN)

[23] Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology

[24] Cancer Epidemiology, Biaomarkers & Prevention (Amer Assoc Cancer Resarch)

[25] Catena

[26] Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems (Elsevier)

[27] Chemosphere (Elsevier)

[28] Chinese Geographical Science (Springer)

[29] Chinese Science Bulletin (Science China Press)

[30] Cities (Elsevier)

[31] Climate Research (Germany)

[32] Clinical Epidemiology (Dovepress)

[33] Complex

[34] Computational Statistics (Springer)

[35] Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (Elsevier)

[36] Computers and electronics in agriculture (Elsevier)

[37] Computers, Environment and Urban Systems (Elsevier)

[38] Computers & Geosciences  (Elsevier)

[39] Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society-ms

[40] Earth Science Informatics (Springer)

[41] Economic Systems Research

[41] Ecological Indicators (Elsevier)

[42] Ecological Modeling (Elsevier)

[43] Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

[44] Entropy (MDPI)

[45] Environmental and Ecological Statistics (Springer)

[46] Environmental Geochemistry and Health  (Springer)

[47] Environmental Modeling & Software (Elsevier)

[48] Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Springer)

[49] Environmental Pollution (Elsevier)

[50] Environmental Research (Elsevier)

[51] Environmental Science and Pollution Research

[52] Environmental Science & Technology (American Chemical Society)

[53] Epidemiology and Infection (Cambridge University Press)

[54] Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Hindawi)

[55] Expert Review of Vaccines

[56] Expert Systems

[57] Frontiers in Psychology

[58] Frontiers of Earth Science (Springer)

[59] Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China  (Springer)

[60] Geographical Analysis (Wiley)

[61] Geographical Research (Australia)

[62] Geomorphology (Elsevier)

[63] Geospatial Health (Italia)

[64] Geo-spatial Information Science  (Springer)

[65] GigaScience

[66] Habitat International (Elsevier)

[67] Hematology (Wiley)

[68] Human and Ecological Risk Assessment (Rutges)

[69] IEEE Access (IEEE Xplore)

[70] IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (IEEE Xplore)

[71] IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology

[72] IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering

[73] IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (IEEE Xplore)

[74] IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

[75] Informatica (Slovenian Society Informatika)

[76] Information Sciences (Elsevier)


[78] International Journal of Clinical Practice

[79] International Journal of Digital Earth (Taylor)

[80] International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD)

[81] International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (MDPI)

[82] International Journal of Food Properties (Taylor)

[83] International Journal of Geographical Information Science (Taylor)

[84] International Journal of Health Geographics (Springer)

[85] International Journal of Medical Sciences (BubMed Central)

[86] International Journal of Remote Sensing (Taylor)

[87] Insect Science (Wiley)

[88] International Journal of Remote Sensing and Remote Sensing Letters (Taylor)

[89] International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control

[90] ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing

[91] ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (MDPI)

[92] JMIR

[93] Joint International Conference on Theory, Data Handling and Modelling (ISPRS)

[94] Journal of Advanced Transportation  (Wiley)

[95] Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology (Tarbiat Modares University )

[96] Journal of Applied Mathematics (Hindawi)

[97] Journal of Applied Statistics

[98] Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology (American Meteorological Society)

[99] Journal of Applied Remote Sensing (SPIE)

[100] Journal of Climate (American Meteorological Society)

[101] Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier)

[102] Journal of Environmental Management (Elsevier)

[103] Journal of Environmental Quality (American Society of Agronomy)

[104] Journal of Electrical Engineering and Electronic Technology (Science Publishing Group)

[105] Journal of Economics and International Finance (Springer)

[106] Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice

[107] Journal of Geographical Sciences (Springer)

[108] Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans (Wiley)

[109] Journal of Hydroinformatics (IWA Publishing)

[110] Journal of Hydrology (Elsevier)

[111] Journal of Integrative Agriculture (Elsevier)

[112] Journal of Medical Systems (Springer)

[113] Journal of Meteorological Research (Springer, China)

[114] Journal of Mountain Science (Springer)

[115] Journal of Primary Prevention

[116] Journal of Public Health (Springer)

[117] Journal of Resources and Ecology (Beijing)

[118] Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (ieeexplore)

[119] Journal of Sustainable Tourism

[120] Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference (Elsevier)

[121] Journal of Transport Geography

[122] Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences (Taylor)

[123] Journal of Urban Health

[124] Lecture Notes Series on Economics and Mathematical Systems (Springer-Verlag)

[125] Land Degradation & Development

[126] Landscape and Urban Planning (Elsevier)

[127] Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)

[128] Malaria Journal

[129] Marine Pollution Bulletin

[130] Mathematical Geosciences (Springer)

[131] Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

[132] Mathematical Problems in Engineering

[133] Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (Springer)

[134] Moravian Geographical Reports

[135] Monthly Weather Review (American Meteorological Society)

[136] Natural Hazards (Netherlands)

[137] Nature Sustainability

[138] Open Geoscience

[139] Pedosphere (Elsevier, Nanking)

[140] Pest Management Science

[141] Plant Pathology

[142] Pervasive and Mobile Computing  (Elsevier)

[143] Physics and Chemistry of the Earth

[144] PLOS Medicine

[145] PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases

[146] PLoS ONE

[147] Population and Environment (Springer)

[148] Preventive Veterinary Medicine

[149] Progress in Physical Geography (Sage)

[150] Public Health (England)

[151] QJM-An International Journal of Medicine (Oxford U Press)

[152] Regional Studies, An International Journal of Regional Researches (UK)

[153] Research and Reports in Tropical Medicine (Dovepress: London)

[154] Remote Sensing (MDPI)

[155] Risk Analysis (Wiley)

[156] SAGE Open

[157] Sensors (MDPI)

[158] Science Bulletin

[159] Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions

[160] Science Progress

[161] Science of the Total Environment (Elsevier)

[162] ScienceAsia

[163] Scientific Data (Nature Publisher)

[164] Scientific Report (Nature Publisher)

[165] Social Work in Public Health

[166] Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology

[167] Spatial Statistics (Elsevier)

[168] Statistical Planning and Inference (Elsevier)

[169] SpringerPlus

[170] Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (Springer)

[171] Transactions in GIS (Wiley)

[172] Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

[173] Theoretical and Applied Climatology  (Springer)

[174] Water Environment Research (Ingenta Connect Publication)

[175] Elsevier Publisher

Reviewer for Journals and Publishers (Chinese)

[  1] ACTA Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica (Chinese)

[  2] ACTA Geographic Sinica (Chinese)

[  3] ACTA Oceanologica Sinica (Chinese)

[  4] ACTA Scientiarum Naturalium of Universitatis Pekinensis (Chinese)

[  5] Applied Probability and Statistics (Chinese)

[  6] Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Military Medicine (Chinese)

[  7] Bulletin of Northwest Normal University (Chinese)

[  8] Bulletin of Sichuan University (Chinese)

[  9] Bulletin of Tianjin Normal University (Chinese)

[10] Bulletin of Tongji University (Chinese)

[11] Carsologica Sinica (Chinese)

[12] Chinese Geographical Sciences (Chinese)

[13] Chinese Journal of Lake and Swamp Science.

[14] Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology

[15] Chinese Science Bulletin (Chinese)

[16] Geographical Research (Chinese)

[17] Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University (Wuhan, Chinese)

[18] Health and Statistics (Chinese)

[19] Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine (Shanghai, Chinese)

[20] Journal of Geo-Information Sciences (Chinese)

[21] Journal of Glaciology and Permafrost (Chinese)

[22] Journal of Hydraulic Research (Chinese)

[23] Journal of Natural Resources (Chinese)

[24] Journal of Remote Sensing (Chinese)

[25] Journal of Survey and Mapping (Chinese)

[26] Journal of Tropic Ocean (Chinese)

[27] Journal of Wetland Science (Chinese)

[28] Journal of Yangzi River Resources and Environment (Wuhan, Chinese)

[29] Journal of Zhejiang University (Hangzhou, Chinese)

[30] Journal of Zhejiang Industrial University (Hangzhou, Chinese)

[31] Progress in Earth Science (Chinese)

[32] Remote Sensing Information (Chinese)

[33] Resources Sciences (Chinese)

[34] Science in China-Earth Sciences (Chinese)

[35] Science in China-Technological Sciences (Chinese)

[36] Science and Technology Review (Chinese)

[37] Tropical Geography (Chinese)

[38] Science Press (Chinese)

Updated on 31 December 2020

Copyright Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS
Address: 11A, Datun Road ,Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China   Email: weboffice@igsnrr.ac.cn