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Name: QIN Cheng-Zhi
Current Appointment: Professor
PhD in Geographical Information Science (Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
Areas of Specialization:
digital terrain analysis, digital soil mapping, watershed modeling and scenario analysis, geographical modeling environment, parallel geocomputation
Academic Awards:
"Best Paper Award" of Geomorphometry'2013
2011 CAS LU Jiaxi Young Talent Award
Society Appointments:
Editorial board member: (in Chinese; ISSN: 1000-0585) (2015 - )
Representative Publications:
Qin C-Z, Gao H-R, Zhu L-J*, Zhu A-X, Liu J-Z, Wu H. Spatial optimization of watershed best management practices based on slope position units. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2018, 73(5): 504-517.
Zhu L-J, Zhu A-X, Qin C-Z*, Liu J-Z. Automatic approach to deriving fuzzy slope positions. Geomorphology, 2018, 304: 173-183. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.12.024.
Qin C-Z, A-X Zhu, W-L Qiu, et al. Mapping soil organic matter in small low-relief catchments using fuzzy slope position information. Geoderma, 2012, 171-172: 64-74.
Qin C-Z, A-X Zhu, X Shi, et al. Quantification of spatial gradation of slope positions. Geomorphology, 2009, 110: 152-161.
Qin C-Z, Wu X-W, Jiang J-C, Zhu A-X. Case-based knowledge formalization and reasoning method for digital terrain analysis - application to extracting drainage networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2016, 20: 3379-3392.
Liu J-Z, Zhu A-X*, Qin C-Z*, Wu H, Jiang J-C.A two-level parallelization method for distributed hydrological models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 2016, 80: 175-184.
Qin C-Z, Zhan L-J, Zhu A-X, Zhou C-H. A strategy for raster-based geocomputation under different parallel computing platforms. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2014, 28(11): 2127-2144.
Qin C-Z, L-J Zhan. Parallelizing flow-accumulation calculations on Graphics Processing Units—from iterative DEM preprocessing algorithm to recursive multiple-flow-direction algorithm. Computers & Geosciences, 2012, 43: 7-16.
Qin C-Z, Bao L-L, Zhu A-X, Hu X-M, Qin B. Artificial surfaces simulating complex terrain types for evaluating grid-based flow direction algorithms. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2013, 27(6): 1055-1072.
Qin C-Z, A-X Zhu, T Pei, et al. An adaptive approach to selecting a flow-partition exponent for a multiple-flow-direction algorithm. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 2007, 21(4): 443-458.
Xia Q, Qin C-Z*, Li H, Huang C, Su F-Z. Mapping mangrove forests based on multi-tidal high-resolution satellite imagery. Remote Sensing, 2018, 10(9), 1343. doi: 10.3390/rs10081343.
Major Research Projects:
1. Principal investigator on “Slope Position as Spatial Unit for Optimizing Scenarios of Beneficial Watershed Management Practices in a Unit-Boundary Adaptive Manner” (2019~2022) funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China
2. Principal investigator on “Excellent Young Scholars” (2015~2017) funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China
3. Principal investigator on “Monitoring and assessment of mangrove forests based on satellite imagery” (2017~2021) funded by the Science and Technology Basic Resources Investigation Program of China
Office Address:
Room 1324 , Building No. 1, IGSNRR
11A Da Tun Road
An Wai, Beijing 100101
People’s Republic of China
Telephone: 86-10-6488-9630
Fax: 86-10-6488-8959
Email: qincz@lreis.ac.cn
Webpage: http://people.ucas.ac.cn/~qincz?language=en  
Updated on Dec. 21, 2018

Copyright Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS
Address: 11A, Datun Road ,Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China   Email: weboffice@igsnrr.ac.cn