

  男, 19578月生,博士,研究员,中国科学院院士。现任中巴地球科学研究中心中方主任,一带一路国际科学组织联盟专题联盟——国际防灾减灾科学联盟(ANSO-DRR)共同主席、联合国减灾署灾害风险综合研究计划国际科学委员会委员、川藏铁路建设专家咨询委员会线站总体组副组长、中国水土保持学会副理事长、中国青藏高原研究会副理事长、中国第四纪科学研究会副理事长等。曾获国家科技进步奖二等奖、四川杰出创新人才奖、世界水土保持协会杰出研究者奖、中国科协全国优秀科技工作者、全国创新争先奖等荣誉和奖励。



  共发表论文400余篇,其中SCI 128篇、EI 122篇,CSCD 272篇;主持撰写专著6部;获发明专利16项(其中美国发明专利1项)、软件著作权3项。代表性成果如下:


  1.        崔鹏,邓宏艳,王成华等. 山地灾害.北京,高等教育出版社.2018.

  2.        崔鹏,彭建兵. 城市防灾规划丛书·第四分册·城市地质灾害防治规划.北京.中国建筑工业出版社. 2016.

  3.        崔鹏, 范建容, 张建强, 邹强, 陈昱等. 长江上游山地灾害与水土流失地图集. 北京, 科学出版社. 2015.

  4.        崔鹏, 何思明, 姚令侃, 王兆印, 陈晓清等. 汶川地震山地灾害形成机理与风险控制. 北京, 科学出版社. 2011.

  5.        崔鹏,主编. 中国水土流失防治与生态安全-长江上游及西南诸河区卷. 北京,科学出版社. 2010.

  6.        崔鹏,柳素清, 唐邦兴等. 风景区泥石流研究与防治. 北京:科学出版社. 2005.


  1.        Nazir A., Cui, P.*.,Paul A. C.,et al. (2020). Increasing glacial lake outburst flood hazard in response to surge glaciers in the Karakoram.Earth-Science Reviews.212,103432.

  2.        Wang, H., Cui, P.*, Liu, D.,et al.(2019).Evolution of a landslide-dammed lake on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau and its influence on river longitudinal profiles. Geomorphology 343, 15-32.

  3.        Zhang, G.T., Cui, P.*, Yin, Y.Z., et al. (2019). Real‐time monitoring and estimation of the discharge of flash floods in a steep mountain catchment. Hydrological Processes 1-18.

  4.        Cui, P., Guo, X.J.*, Yan, Y, et al.(2018). Real-time observation of an active debris flow watershed in the Wenchuan Earthquake area. Geomorphology 321: 153-166.

  5.        Lei, Y., Cui, P.*, Zeng, C., Guo, Y.Y.(2018). An empirical mode decomposition-based signal process method for two-phase debris flow impact. Landslides 15(2):297-307.

  6.        Chen, X., Cui, P.*, You, Y. et al. (2017). Dam-break risk analysis of the Attabad landslide dam in Pakistan and emergency countermeasures. Landslides 14(2), 675-683.

  7.        Jiang, X.G., Cui, P.*, Chen, H.Y. et al. (2017). Formation conditions of outburst debris flow triggered by overtopped natural dam failure. Landslides 14(3): 821-831.

  8.        Guo, X.J., Cui, P.*, Li, Y., et al.(2016). Intensity-duration threshold of rainfall-triggered debris flows in the Wenchuan Earthquake affected area, China. Geomorphology 253: 208-216.

  9.        Cui, P.*, Jia, Y.(2015). Mountain hazards in the Tibetan Plateau: research status and prospects. National Science Review 2(4): 397-402.

  10.     Cui, P.*, Zeng, C., Lei, Y.(2015). Experimental analysis on the impact force of viscous debris flow. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 40(12):1644-1655.

  11.     Zhou, G.G.D., Cui, P.*, Zhu, X.H., et al.(2015). A preliminary study of the failure mechanisms of cascading landslide dams. International Journal of Sediment Research 30(3): 223-234.

  12.     Cui, P., Guo, C.X., Zhou, J.W., Hao, M.H., Xu, F.G.2014The mechanisms behind shallow failures in slopes comprised of landslide deposits. Engineering Geology. 180:34-44.

  13.     Cui, P., Zou, Q, Xiang, L.Z., Zeng, C. 2013 Risk assessment of simultaneous debris flows in mountain townships. Progress in Physical Geography. 37(4): 516-542.

  14.     Cui, P., Zhou, G.D., Zhu, X.H., Zhang, J.Q.2013Scale amplification of natural debris flows caused by cascading landslide dam failures . Geomorphology. 182: 173-189.


  1.崔鹏、严炎、邹强、郭晓军. 2019.泥石流灾害险情动态预警方法、精细化分级监测预警方法,ZL201711425578.1.

  2.严炎,崔鹏,郭晓军,邹强. 2019.  山洪灾害险情动态预警方法、精细化分级监测预警方法,ZL201711425579.6.

  3.严炎、崔鹏、陈晓清、陈华勇. 2019.堰塞湖溃决监测预警方法,ZL201710237242.6.

  4.崔鹏、周公旦、邹强. 2018.一种泥石流全过程数值模拟及数值计算方法, ZL201611146262.4.

  5.严炎、 崔鹏、葛永刚、郭晓军、苏凤环、陈华勇.2017.一种流体表面二维流速场测量方法,ZL201410617463.2.

  6.崔鹏、严炎、郭晓军、葛永刚. 2016. 一种泥石流力学参数监测方法及泥石流预警方法,ZL201410342566.2.



