

女,1985年生,汉族,吉林省吉林市人。中国科学院地理科学与资源所副研究员,国家注册城乡规划师。东北亚可持续发展研究中心副秘书长兼办公室副主任、中国自然资源学会世界资源研究分会副秘书长、中国生态经济学会区域生态经济研究专业委员会副秘书长。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,参与国家科技基础资源调查专项项目、中国科学院A类战略性先导课题、中科院重点部署项目、国家自然科学基金面上项目及国际合作项目、省部级科研课题、地方委托项目等近30项科研课题,获得全国农业优秀工程咨询成果二等奖及三等奖各1项、中国环境艺术奖1项、内蒙古自治区及河北省优秀规划成果奖各1项。在Environmental Science & TechnologyJournal of Cleaner ProductionSustainabilityChinese Geographical Science等国际知名期刊发表40余篇SCISSCIEI CSCD 核心期刊论文。参与撰写专著3部,参与申请专利及软件著作权各1项。获得2015年俄罗斯国际生态论坛优秀论文奖、中国自然资源学会2015年学术年会青年优秀论文奖。参与撰写咨询报告4份,被国务院办公厅、中央办公厅及吉林省委省政府采用。

研究领域: 资源循环利用机理与模式,区域生态经济


1程昊等, Multiregional Input-Output Analysis of Spatial-Temporal Evolution Driving Force for Carbon Emissions Embodied in Interprovincial Trade and Optimization Policies: Case Study of Northeast Industrial District in ChinaEnvironmental Science & Technology (SCI, IF:7.149,环境科学一区top期刊), 2018, 52:346-358.

2程昊等, A circular economy system for breaking the development dilemma of ‘ecological Fragility- Economic poverty’ vicious circle: A CEEPS-SD analysisJournal of Cleaner Production(SCI, IF:6.395,环境科学一区top期刊), 212 (2019) 381-392.

3徐晨, …, 程昊(通讯作者)A Real-Time Energy Consumption Simulation and Comparison of Buildings in Different Construction Years in the Olympic Central Area in Beijing, Sustainability (SCI, IF:2.592), 2017,9,2245.

4李富佳, …, 程昊(通讯作者)Investment Environment Assessment and Strategic Policy for Subjects of Federation in Russia. Chinese Geographical Science (SCI, IF:1.464), 2019,29(5):887-904.

5董锁成, 程昊(通讯作者), Rural Landscape Types and Recreational Value Space Analysis of Valley Area of the Loess Plateau: A Case of Hulu Watershed, Gansu Province, China, Chinese Geographical Science (SCI, IF:1.464), 2017,27(2):286-297.

6Alexey Bilgaev, …, Hao Cheng, et al., Assessment of the Current Eco-Socio-Economic Situation of the Baikal Region (Russia) from the Perspective of the Green Economy Development. Sustainability (SCI, IF:2.592), 2020, 12, 3767.

7YANG Yang, …, CHENG Hao, et al., An analysis on the adoption of an interregional carbon emission reduction allocation approach in the context of China’s interprovincial carbon emission transfer. Environment, Development and Sustainability (SCI, IF:1.676), DOI 10.1007/s10668-020-00779-x.

8董锁成, …, 程昊, Assessment of Comprehensive Effects and Optimization of a Circular Economy System of Coal Power and Cement in Kongtong District, Pingliang City, Gansu Province, China. Sustainability (SCI, IF:2.592), 2017,9,787.

9董锁成,…, 程昊等, An evaluation of the economic, social, and ecological risks of China-Mongolia- Russia high-speed railway construction and policy suggestions, Journal of Geographical Science(SCI, IF:2.347),2018, 28(7): 900-918.

10程昊等,Assessment and Optimization for Regional Sustainable Development Base on the Human-land System, Earth and Environmental Science (ISTP), 381 (2019) 012015.

11程昊等,Transportation Industry Patterns and Strategy for the Countries along “The Belt and Road”, Earth and Environmental Science (ISTP), 190(2018)012049.

12李富佳, …, 程昊(通讯作者)等,Pattern of National Financial Industry along the Belt and Road with China Strategy, Earth and Environmental Science (ISTP), 381 (2019) 012055.

13李富佳, …, 程昊(通讯作者)等,irections between China and Russia, Earth and Environmental Science (ISTP), 381 (2019) 012058.

14程昊等, “一带一路信息化格局及对策, 中国科学院院刊(CSCD), 2016,31: 656-662.





Email: chenghao@igsnrr.ac.cn

