

  女,1982年生,研究员,硕士生导师,中科院青年创新促进会会员,中科院青促会地学分会副秘书长,地理资源所“可桢杰出青年学者计划”获得者。2010年毕业于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所(中国科学院研究生院),获自然地理学博士学位。同年留所工作,2013年晋升为副研究员。先后在密歇根州立大学、东京大学进行访学深造。发表学术论文80余篇,出版专著五部。研究成果以第一/通讯作者发表在Agr Forest Meteoro.l, Appl. Energy.,Climatic Change,Land Use Pol.,HESS等Top和知名刊物,平均影响因子3.05;单篇SCI最高他引80余次。主持或参与国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、中科院先导专项A、中科院重点部署、国家发展改革委、地方委托项目等任务30余项。参与编写《第四次气候变化国家评估报告》和《中国气候与生态环境演变:2021》等国家报告,研究成果被美国科学促进会(AAAS)亮点报道。





  (1)深入揭示了农田生态系统中与气候变化密切相关的机理过程,提出基于气温日较差的太阳辐射空间化模拟方法,改进和优化了作物模型生物物理过程参数,提高模型模拟的准确性。(2)从单点、区域、国家等不同尺度,构建了作物生产适应气候变化的风险管理模型;通过集合概率预测的方法,开展了气候变化对我国主要粮食作物产量和水分利用的影响评估和不确定性分析,降低气候变化影响预测的不确定性。 (3)基于长序列历史观测数据,明晰了我国主要作物物候和产量时空分异特征,引入一阶差分方法,区分并量化了气候变化和作物管理措施对主要作物物候和产量变化的影响,厘定了气候变化和土地利用变化对我国主产区作物产量影响的相对贡献,提出粮食主产区适应气候变化不利影响的优化管理措施。


  [1] Yujie Liu, Qiaomin Chen, Quansheng Ge, Junhu Dai et al. Modelling the impacts of climate change and crop management on phenological trends of spring and winter wheat in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2018, 248:518-26.

  [2] Yujie Liu, Qiaomin Chen, Quansheng Ge, Junhu Dai. “Effects of climate change and agronomic practice on changes in wheat phenology”, Climatic Change, 2018, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-018-2264-5.

  [3] Chen Q, Liu Yujie*, Ge Q, Pan T. Impacts of historic climate variability and land use change on winter wheat climatic productivity in the North China Plain during 1980-2010. Land Use Policy. 2018,76:1-9.

  [4] Liu Y, Chen Q, Ge Q, Dai J. Spatiotemporal differentiation of changes in wheat phenology in China under climate change from 1981 to 2010. Science China-Earth Sciences. 2018, 61:1088-97.

  [5] Chen Jie, Liu Yujie*, Pan Tao, Liu Yanhua, Sun Fubao, Ge Quansheng. Population exposure to droughts in China under the 1.5 degrees C global warming target. Earth System Dynamics. 2018, 9:1097-106.

  [6] LIU Yujie, QIN Ya, GE Quansheng. Spatio-temporal trends for changes in the phenological stages of maize in China from 1981to 2010. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019, 29(3): 351-362

  [7] Tao Pan, Shuai Hou, ShaohongWu, Yujie Liu*, Yanhua Liu1, Xintong Zou, Anna Herzberger, and Jianguo Liu. Variation of soil hydraulic properties with alpine grassland degradation in the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Hydrology and Earth System. Sciences, 2017 21(1), 1–13.

  [8] LIU Yujie, QIN Ya, GE Quansheng, DAI Junhu, CHEN Qiaomin. Reponses and sensitivities of maize phenology to climate change from 1981 to 2009 in Henan Province, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(9): 1072-1084.

  [9] Pan T, Wu S, Liu Y. Relative Contributions of Land Use and Climate Change to Water Supply Variations over Yellow River Source Area in Tibetan Plateau during the Past Three Decades. PLoS ONE. 2015, 10(4): e0123793.

  [10] Yujie Liu, Tao Fulu. Probabilistic Change of Wheat Productivity and Water Use in China for Global Mean Temperature Changes of 1, 2, and 3 ℃. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2013, 52(1), 114-129.

  [11] Tao Pan, Shaohong Wu, Erfu Dai, Yujie Liu*. Estimating the daily global solar radiation spatial distribution from diurnal temperature ranges over the Tibetan Plateau in China. Applied Energy. 2013, 107: 384-393.

  [12] Yujie Liu, Yi Luo, Junhua Ma. Case study of developing an integrated water and nitrogen scheme for agricultural systems on the North China Plain. International Agrophysics. 2013. 27(4):425-437.

  [13] Tao, F., Zhang,Z., Shi,W. Liu,YJ. Xiao,D., Zhang,S., Zhu,Z., Wang, M.,Liu F. Single rice growth period was prolonged by cultivars shifts but yield was damaged by climate change during 1981-2009 in China, and late rice was just opposite. Global Change Biology. 2013, 19, 3200–3209.

  [14] Xiao DP, Tao Fulu, Liu YJ, Shi W. Observed changes in winter wheat phenology in the North China Plain for 1981-2009. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2013.57, 275-285.

  [15] LIU Yujie, Tao Fulu. Impacts and uncertainty analysis of elevated temperature and CO2 concentration on wheat biomass. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(6): 1002-1012.

  [16] Yujie Liu, Yi Luo. A Consolidated Evaluation of the FAO-56 Dual Crop Coefficient Approach Using the Lysimeter Data in the Northern China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 97(1): 31-40.

  [17] Liu Yujie, Yuan Guofu. Impacts of climate change on winter wheat growing process and production under B2 climate scenario in Panzhuang irrigation district. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2010 (6): 861-875.

  [18] 刘玉洁,陈巧敏,葛全胜, 戴君虎. 气候变化背景下1981~2010中国小麦物候变化时空分异[J]. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2018, 48(07):888-898.

  [19] 秦雅,刘玉洁*,葛全胜. 气候变化背景下1981-2010年中国玉米物候变化时空分异[J]. 地理学报, 2018,73(05):906-916.

  [20] 刘玉洁等.气候变化对小麦生物量影响的概率预测和不确定性分析[J]. 地理学报, 2012, 67(03):337-345.

  [21] 刘玉洁, 潘韬. 中国地表太阳辐射资源空间化模拟[J]. 自然资源学报, 2012,27(08):1392-1402.









