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GUO Dali  Professor, PhD  

Qianyanzhou Station,   

Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research   

Chinese Academy of Sciences  

11A Datun Road, Chaoyang District,   

Beijing, 100101, China  

Phone: 86-10-64888153, FAX : 86-10-64888153  

E-mail : guodl@igsnrr.ac.cn  


  Ph.D. in Forestry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA. December 2001.   

  M.S. in Forest Soils, Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China. May 1995.  

  B.S. in Soils and Agricultural Chemistry, Nanjing Agricultural University, China. July 1992.  


Root and Mycorrhizal Ecology Structure and function of roots and mycorrhiza; Root demography; Biogeography of root and mycorrhizal functional traits 

Ecosystem Ecology Belowground carbon and nutrient dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems; Ecosystem functional integration of various flows and the price-setting for the flows  

Plant Physiological Ecology Carbon allocation at the whole-plant level; Role of carbon and nutrient storage in plant metabolism; Physiological controls of root plastic responses to soil resource heterogeneity 

Spatial Analysis in Ecology Geostatistical modeling, spatial prediction and uncertainty assessment  

PUBLICATIONS *denotes corresponding author   

Kong, D.L., C. Ma, Q. Zhang, L. Li, X. Chen, H. Zeng, D. L. Guo*. 2014. Leading dimensions in absorptive root trait variation across 96 subtropical forest species.  New Phytologist, in press.   

Xiong, Y.M., H. Zeng, H. Xia, D. L. Guo*. 2014. Interactions between leaf litter and soil organic matter on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in six forest litter-soil systems.  Plant and Soil 379: 217-229.  

Wu, X., H. Liu, L. He, Z. Qi, O.A. Anenkhonov, A.Y. Korolyuk, Y. Yu, D.L. Guo. 2014. Stand-total tree-ring measurements and forest inventory documented climate-induced forest dynamics in the semi-arid Altai Mountains.  Ecological Indicators 36: 231–241  

Hu, G., H. Liu, O.A. Anenkhonov, A.Y. Korolyuk, D.V. Sandanov, D.L. Guo. 2013. Forest buffers soil temperature and postpones soil thaw as indicated by a three-year large-scale soil temperature monitoring in the forest-steppe ecotone in Inner Asia.  Global and Planetary Change 104: 1-6  

Zeng, F.J., C. Song, H. Guo, B. Liu, W. Luo, D. Gui, S. Arndt, D.L. Guo. 2013. Responses of root growth of Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. (Fabaceae) to different simulated groundwater depths in the southern fringe of the Taklimakan Desert, China.  Journal of Arid Land 5(2):220-232  

Guo, Y.Y., J Wang, D Kong, W Wang, D.L. Guo, Y. Wang, Q. Xie, Y. Liu, H. Zeng. 2013. Fine root branch orders contribute differentially to uptake, allocation and return of potentially toxic metals.  Environmental Science & Technology 47:11465?11472  

Bruelheide, H., et al. 2013. Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical China.  Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 74-89.  

Liu, H.Y., A.P. Williams, C.D. Allen, D.L. Guo, X. Wu, O.A. Anenkhonov, E. Liang, D.V. Sandanov, Y. Yin, Z. Qi And N.K. Badmaeva. 2013. Rapid warming accelerates tree growth decline in semi-arid forests of Inner Asia.  Global Change Biology 19(8):2500–2510.  

Chen, W.L., H. Zeng, D.M. Eissenstat, D.L. Guo*. 2013. Variation of first-order root traits across climatic gradients and evolutionary trends in geological time.  Global Ecology and Biogeography 22: 846–856.  

Ouimette, A., D.L. Guo, E.A. Hobbie, J.C. Gu. 2012. Insights into root growth, function, and mycorrhizal abundance from chemical and isotopic data across root orders.  Plant and Soil 367: 313-326.  

Chen, F.S., K.J. Niklas, G.S. Chen, D.L. Guo. 2012. Leaf traits and relationships differ with season as well as among species groupings in a managed Southeastern China forest landscape.  Plant Ecology 213:1489-1502.  

Wu, X.C., H.Y. Liu, D.L. Guo, O.A. Anenkhonov, N.K. Badmaeva, D.V. Sandanov. 2012. Growth decline linked to warming-induced water limitation in hemi-boreal Forests.  PLoS ONE 7(8): e42619. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042619.  

Xiong, Y.M., P.P. Fan, S.L. Fu, H. Zeng, D. L. Guo*. 2012. Slow decomposition and limited nitrogen release by lower order roots in eight Chinese temperate and subtropical trees.  Plant and Soil 363: 19-31.  

Wang, J.J, Y.Y. Guo, D.L. Guo, S. L. Yin, D.L. Kong, Y.S. Liu, H. Zeng. 2011. Fine root mercury heterogeneity: metabolism of lower-order roots as an effective route for mercury removal.  Environmental Science and Technology 46: 769-777.  

Sun, Y., J.C. Gu, H.F. Zhuang, D.L. Guo, Z.Q. Wang. 2011. Lower order roots more palatable to herbivores: a case study with two temperate tree species.  Plant and Soil 347: 351-361.  

Gu, J.C., S.Q. Yu, Y. Sun, Z.Q. Wang, D.L. Guo*. 2011. Influence of root structure on root survivorship: an analysis of 18 tree species using a minirhizotron method.  Ecological Research 26: 755-762.  

Helge, B et al. 2011. Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs 81(1): 25-41.  

Xia, M.X., D.L. Guo*, K.S. Pregitzer. 2010. Ephemeral root modules in Fraxinus mandshurica.  New Phytologist 188: 1065–1074.  

Fan, P.P., D.L. Guo*. 2010. Slow decomposition of lower order roots: a key pathway of root C and nutrient retention in the soil.  Oecologia 163:509–515.  

Yang, Y.H., J.Y. Fang, W.H. Ma, D.L. Guo, A. Mohammat. 2010. Large-scale pattern of biomass partitioning across China’s grasslands.  Global Ecology and Biogeography 19: 268-277.  

Hao, S., J. Xue, D.L. Guo, D. Wang. 2010. Earliest rooting system and root/shoot ratio from a new Zosterophyllum plant.  New Phytologist 185: 217–225.  

Li, A., D.L. Guo*, Z.Q. Wang, H.Y. Liu. 2010. Nitrogen and phosphorus allocation in leaves, twigs and fine roots across forty-nine temperate, subtropical and tropical tree species: a hierarchical pattern.  Functional Ecology 24:224-232.  

Guo, D.L.*, M.X. Xia, X. Wei, W.J. Chang, Y. Liu, Z.Q. Wang. 2008c. Anatomical traits associated with absorption and mycorrhizal colonization are linked to branch order in twenty-three Chinese temperate tree species. New Phytologist 180: 673-683. Related commentary: Pregitzer, K.S. 2008. Tree root architecture – form and function.  New Phytologist 180: 562-564.  

Guo, D.L.*, R.J. Mitchell, J.M. Withington, P.P. Fan, J.J. Hendricks. 2008b. Endogenous and exogenous controls of root lifespan, mortality and nitrogen flux in a longleaf pine forest: root branch order predominates.  Journal of Ecology 96: 737-745.  

Guo, D.L.*, H. Li, R.J. Mitchell, W.X. Han, J.J. Hendricks, T.J. Fahey, R.L. Hendrick. 2008a. Heterogeneity by root branch order: exploring the discrepancy in root longevity and turnover estimates between Minirhizotron and C isotope methods. New Phytologist 177: 443-456. Related commentary: Pritchard, S.G., Strand A. E. 2008. Can you believe what you see? Reconciling minirhizotron and isotopically derived estimates of fine root longevity.  New Phytologist 177: 287-291.  

Wang, Z.Q., D.L. Guo*, X.R. Wang, J.C. Gu, and L. Mei. 2006. Fine root architecture, morphology, and biomass of different branch orders of two Chinese temperate tree species.  Plant and Soil 288: 155-171.  

Hendricks, J.J., R.L. Hendrick, C.A. Wilson, R.J. Mitchell, S.D. Pecot, D.L. Guo. 2006. Assessing the Patterns and Controls of Fine Root Dynamics: An Empirical Test and Methodological Review.  Journal of Ecology 94: 40-57.  

He, J.S., J.Y. Fang, Z. Wang, D.L. Guo, D.F.B. Flynn, Z. Geng. 2006. Stoichiometry and large-scale patterns of leaf carbon and nitrogen in the grassland biomes of China.  Oecologia 149: 115-122.   

Han, W.X., J.Y. Fang, D.L. Guo, Y. Zhang. 2005. Leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry across 753  terrestrial plant species in China.  New Phytologist 168: 377-385.  

Mou, P., R.H. Jones, D.L. Guo, A. Lister. 2005. Effects of life history and environmental heterogeneity on spatial-temporal patterns of regenerating vegetation in a Pinus elliottii forest.  Landscape Ecology 20: 971-987.    

Guo, D.L. *, R.J. Mitchell, J.J. Hendricks. 2004. Fine root branch orders respond differentially to carbon source-sink manipulations in a longleaf pine forest.  Oecologia 140: 450-457.   

Guo, D.L. *, P. Mou, R.H. Jones, and R.J. Mitchell. 2004. Spatio-temporal patterns of soil available nutrients following experimental disturbance in a pine forest.  Oecologia 138: 613-621.   

Guo, D.L., P. Mou, R.H. Jones, and R.J. Mitchell. 2002. Temporal changes in spatial patterns of soil moisture following disturbance: an experimental approach.  Journal of Ecology 90: 338-347.   


Assistant and associate professor, Department of Ecology, College of Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China. June 2004 - August 2011.  

Postdoctoral research associate, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center. December 2001 - June 2004  

Graduate teaching and research assistant, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. August 1997- December 2001  

International project coordinator, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. June 1995-May 1997  


Member of editorial board:  Global Change Biology (Advisor), New Phytologist (Advisor), Journal of Ecology (Associate Editor), Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene (Associate Editor), Ecological Processes (Associate Editor), Journal of Plant Ecology (Associate Editor), Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology (Associate Editor).  

Reviewer: Canadian Journal of Forest Research, Ecology, Ecological Applications, Ecology Letters, Ecological Processes, Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, Global Biogeochemical cycles, Global Change Biology, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Forest Research, Journal of Plant Research, New Phytologist, Plant Ecology and Diversity, Plant Functional Biology, Soil Science Society of America Journal.  

Updated on May 7, 2014 

Copyright Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS
Address: 11A, Datun Road ,Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China   Email: weboffice@igsnrr.ac.cn