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Name: SHAO Ming-an
Dr. Shao finished bachelor and master degree at Hunan Normal University and Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, respectively. In the year of 1996, Dr. Shao got his PhD degree at Iowa State University (USA). He also visited Reading University (UK), Technology and Medicine of London University (UK), Oregon State University (USA), Nebraska University (USA), and Iowa State University (USA) to do collaborating research. Some of the state or ministry awards he has won are First Science and Technology Award for Young Scientists of China, Young Scientists Award of CAS, Nominated Award for Distinguished Young Scientists of China, Scientists of Outstanding Contribution to local government. Now, Dr. Shao is a professor of Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of CAS, PhD supervisor.
As principal investigators, Dr. Shao has got funds of national projects (such as the National Natural Science Fundation of China (Important program, Key projects, National Outstanding Youth Project, and normal projects), 973 Projects, and provincial or ministry level projects(such as the Project for Innovative Research Term of Yangtze River Scholars of Education Ministry of China, the Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the key projects of Knowledge Innovation of CAS, and Partnership Project of International Cooperation of Innovative Research Term of CAS ).
Research interests: 
The primary emphasis in research of Dr. Shao is concentrated on soil physics and agroecology. He has worked in the following areas: soil water flow, soil water uptake by roots, soil water availability, soil and water conservation, water flow in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum and in the Soil Vegetation-Atmosphere Transport system (SVATs), and temporal and spatial variability of soil properties.
Dr. Shao and his term have devoted in some aspects of soil physics and agricultural ecology and made contributions on following aspects: establishment of general similarity theory of soil water flow; analytical solution of horizontal redistribution of soil water; integral method for determining soil hydraulic properties; boundary layer theory of solute transport and its parameter determination in soils; insight understanding on water movement in soil-plant-atmosphere continuum (SPAC) with emphasis on water uptake by plant roots; explicit analytical solution of water-heat coupling transport; the initiation of concept of soil water surface and the development of water dynamics in variable bulk density soils; water and solute transport in soil-stone mixtures; based on the studies of physical and biogeological processes, the concept and model developed for soil water carrying capacity for vegetation (SWCCV) on the small watershed of China Loess Plateau; the development models for degraded ecosystem and its recover were also studied.
Selected Publications  
The selected publications are:
1. Shao M, Huang M. Water Dynamics in Soil-plant System.: Shaanxi Science and Technology Press, Xi’an, 2000
2. Shao M, Wang Q, Huang M. Soil Physics. China Higher Education Press, Beijing, 2006
3. Shao M, Guo Z, Xia Y. Study on soil water carrying capacity of vegetation in the Loess Plateau. Science Press, Beijing, 2009.
4. Shao M, Ma D, Zhu Y, et al. Study on stony soil water transport and availability in Loess Plateau. Science Press, Beijing, 2010
5. Shao M. 1992. On time constant variability of electric analogy of water-flow in soil-plant system. Chinese Sci Bull, 37 (14): 1208-1211
6. Shao M, Robert H, 1996. Soil water diffusivity determination by general similarity theory. Soil Sci, 161(11): 727-734
7. Shao M, Robert H. Jaynes D, 1998. Analytical solution to one dimensional heat conduction convection equation. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 62(1): 123-128
8. Shao M, Robert H. 1998. Integral method for estimating soil hydraulic properties. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 62(3): 585-592
9. Wang Q, Shao M, Horton R, 1999.Modified Green and Ampt models for layered soil infiltration and muddy water infiltration. Soil Sci, 164 (7): 445-453
10. Shao M, Robert H, 2000. Exact solution for horizontal water redistribution by general similarity. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 64(2): 561-564
11. Shao M, Horton R, 2001. Reply to comments by Dr Youngs on “Exact solution for horizontal water redistribution by general similarity”, Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 65(3):960-96
12. Huang M, Shao M, Zhang L, et al., 2003.Water use efficiency and sustainability of different long-term crop rotation systems in the Loess Plateau of China. Soil Till Res, 72 (1): 95-104
13. Wang Q, Shao M, Horton R, 2004. A simple method for estimating water diffusivity of unsaturated soils. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 68 (3): 713-718
14. Li Y, Shao M,2006. Change of soil physical properties under long-term natural vegetation restoration in the Loess Plateau of China. J Arid Environ, 64 (1):77-96
15. Chen H, Shao M, Li Y, 2008. The characteristics of soil water cycle and water balance on steep grassland under natural and simulated rainfall conditions in the Loess Plateau of China. J Hydrol, 360: 242-251
16. Ma D, Shao M, 2008. Simulating infiltration into stony soils with a dual-porosity model. European Journal of Soil Science. 59(5): 950-959
17. Xia Y, Shao M, 2008. Soil water carrying capacity for vegetation: A hydrologic and biogeochemical process model solution. Ecological Modelling 214: 112–124
18. Wei X, Shao M, Fu X, et al., 2009. Distribution of soil organic C, N and P in three adjacent land use patterns in the northern Loess Plateau, China. Biogeochemistry,96:149–162
19. Hu W, Shao M, Reichard,2010. Using a new criterion to identify sites for mean soil water storage evaluation. Soil Sci. Soc.Am.J., 74:762-773.
Graduate students recruiting:
The major is ecology and the field is hydrological processes and modeling in agro-ecosystems.
Mailing address: Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, A11, Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China
Tel : 010-64889270 (Office) 

Copyright Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS
Address: 11A, Datun Road ,Chaoyang District, Beijing, 100101, China   Email: weboffice@igsnrr.ac.cn